Counting pays half the damage – Time


Franco Bechis

The money arrives. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte promises immediately, in mid-November. We would like to believe you, but the text of the decree of “restorations” that you approved does not say exactly that. And above all it allocates few resources, certainly cursed. At a press conference, the prime minister and his finance ministers assured that a bar that had received a blockade relief of 2,000 euros will now reach 3,000 euros.

For a large restaurant, the old € 13,000 will turn into € 26,000. For a small gym it would go from 3 to 4 thousand euros. It will also be like that, and at least it sweeps away the absolute despair in which the operators of the sector have plunged. But this is perhaps a quick contribution for some, for others in much more dubious times that certainly does not compensate for the damage that the last dpcm government has done. Here the calculation is much easier. The new decree allocates 5,400 million euros. Part of this sum is transferred to cover the accounts for 2021, so it does not recover the dead weight loss that the fiscal years closed in the month of lockout will have for now. In sum, however, there are expenditures to strengthen Italian health care, increases in funds for national and local police forces, and numerous allocations that have nothing to do with the categories in question. Although we are sure of what the restaurant sector and the agri-food chain linked to it will lose (net of the increases in turnover recorded in large-scale distribution), also because the government illustrates the figures of the latter, although annually: in a month, losses per dpcm amount to 4,900 million euros. To this sum must be added the 2,000 million euros invested by the sector to adapt to the security protocols that should have guaranteed its opening as of mid-May and which have now been useless. Just to understand, 65.1% of bars, pubs and restaurants are in debt to comply with those rules. Of these, 51.5% up to 25 thousand euros and 13.6% for higher amounts. Money that the government has certified with this dpcm “thrown away”. So, compared to operating losses of 4.9 billion and debts of 2 billion, both caused by the government (6.9 billion), the executive restores less than half. Because, as is logical, in the 5,400 million euros allocated in addition to all the expenditure items that have nothing to do with this dpcm there are snacks outside the food chain, such as those to help remote educational centers, those for gyms , arcades, theaters, cinemas, live shows, amateur sports associations, tour operators (in crisis, but the latest dpcm has nothing to do with it), export support, national and international fairs, spas just to name a few . Therefore, those funds are not recovered, they only patch and do not solve the problems that have opened the incomprehensible and still inexplicable government elections.

I also add another detail that is not of secondary importance: the coverage of new expenses is entirely in charge of the three previous decrees approved by the government, because the 100 billion aid has been announced, but not spent. Some 15,000 million euros remained because the regulations were poorly written, because the executive decrees had not been made and the possibility of promulgating them had expired, therefore due to the inability to govern shown by this executive. Even a part of the audience of new aid recipients must trust what is being said, as they have not yet received the old promised sums (and will no longer receive them, because they are used for the new refreshment). How can these Italians get slapped without a reason to trust? How can the civil but decisive protest break out throughout Italy to which most of the media has been deaf, preferring to publicize a few hundred criminals to be imprisoned who dropped paper bombs (also last night in Rome it happened in the Corteo di Forza Nuova) and shop windows. And in fact they are not going to trust them and already today with the FIPE they will be in the streets of ten Italian cities sitting on the ground, where this executive put them without extending his right hand to lift them.

A 100% soda was needed to once again make up for the unexplained choices. And you understand why: the government gropes in the dark about infections, doesn’t even know where they come from. The latest weekly report says: “There were 23,018 reported cases not associated with known transmission chains (up from 9,291 last week), corresponding to 43.5% of the total cases reported this week.” She adds timidly: “This week the outbreaks in which transmission could have occurred in the school environment are increasing” and that “as of the end of September there is a considerable increase in cases in the age groups 0-18 and 19-50 years”. , many of them asymptomatic. “Then look at the data and read that the range of infected people between 0 and 18 years old, which was previously 2.3% of the total in the first two weeks of October, jumped to 17.3%. That young man between 19 and 50 years old, who was 28% of the total, jumped to 47%. What does it take to understand that the school as it was organized (all at the same time in the same means of transport) was the engine of recovery But you know how it is not to humiliate Lucia Azzolina and Paola De Micheli -the two responsible for what happened-, they prefer to put millions of Italians on the ground, to whom they now tip.
