Count unmasked in the restaurant. The Palazzo Chigi patch is worse than the hole – Il Tempo


Franco Bechis

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was having dinner at the Benito al Bosco restaurant and there he was portrayed with the restaurant owners for a souvenir photo less than a meter away by Benito himself without a mask as Conte’s girlfriend without her. Olivia and the restaurateur himself. The photo was posted on Benito al bosco’s Facebook site on October 7, posted on the cover of Il Tempo and deleted this morning from the restaurant’s profile, presumably at the request of Palazzo Chigi.

Unmasked!  Conte does not care about Conte's decrees

From the presidency of the Council, a kind of “denial” arose that it is not here where it is stated that in reality this photo dates back to September 17, therefore before the restrictive ordinances of the Lazio Region and the subsequent government decree . It is difficult to understand the meaning of the clarification: the Lazio ordinance and the government decree have not innovated with respect to the behavior to be followed in restaurants. On September 17, regulations signed by the Count himself came into force that allowed the restaurant in a closed place not to wear a mask only if he was sitting at the table. Getting up from the table, even to go to the bathroom or to the cash desk, the use of a mask was mandatory. Therefore, the photo shows Conte and his girlfriend in total violation of the rules established by the Prime Minister, without a mask inside an indoor restaurant, with a distance of less than one meter from another person without a mask and very old, for therefore considered among fragile people by health protocols.

We illustrate this in Il Tempo, reporting inappropriate behavior on the part of certainly not just any politician, but even the one who signed the anti-covid rules. We did the same when other center-right politicians took similar photos of themselves taking selfies with strangers without masks. In those cases, at least the photo was taken outdoors and not in violation of existing rules.
