
ROME The diplomatic crisis with Vienna is one step away. Giuseppe Conte did not make the determinationAustria to open the ski lifts, if you do not receive financial compensation from Brussels. And from diplomatic sources after the negotiation, it is leaked that the Italian government does not exclude even the extreme measure of closing the Brenner border at the exit, if the Italian Prime Minister’s attempt to convince Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to retrace his steps fails . A new interview is expected in the next few hours.

Italian discontent grows. “What could happen is alarming and absurd”, says a minister, “if we, as we have announced, close the ski facilities and Austria does not, our skiers will cross the border bringing money to the Austrians and returning the virus. So in January we find the third wave of the epidemic. To import. It is unacceptable “. Hence the idea of blocking the exit of the Brennero, perhaps only for those who want to cross the border to ski.
The german side
“But before threatening, let’s think about harmonizing”, represses a high diplomatic source. But the hypothesis of closing the border still stands. Bavarian Minister-President Markus Soeder also makes it clear that, like Italy, he has decided to stop the ski season: “If we want to keep the borders open, we also need a clear agreement on skiing. Otherwise it is difficult to continue.
Still comes
However, the negotiation, to avoid a severe blow to the Schengen treaty and bilateral relations with Austria (never good in recent years), is underway. In a phone call with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Conte searched the coast of Brussels. And he succeeded: “A harmonization of restrictive measures is the best solution,” said the president, guaranteeing the Commission’s support for the mediation being carried out by Rome, Paris and Berlin. “The EU rules are excluded, in most of the recommendations,” they say at Palazzo Chigi.
Thus Conte, together with the ministers Roberto Speranza (Health), Luigi Di Maio (Foreign) and Enzo Amendola (Europe) – who are listening one by one to their counterparts in France, Germany, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain (for the Pyrenees ), Austria and even Switzerland, although outside the EU, has already had several contacts with Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron. The conversation worked: Germany and France also ban skiing. But that is not enough, the Alpine countries are missing. The objective, given that Brussels cannot decree the closure of the ski lifts, is, in fact, a harmonization of the measures with the stop of the ski season until January 10.
“If Vienna is definitively expelled from the deal we are working on,” says another minister, “it will make a decidedly wrong move.” Because one thing is certain: the government, even if Austria opens up to skiing, will confirm the halt to the white weeks at least until Epiphany. “I do not intend to repeat the mistakes of August, we cannot afford it. Therefore, we cannot start indiscriminate holidays in the snow. It is true that the Regions have made a protocol for ski lifts, but the problem is that everything that revolves around holidays in the snow is uncontrollable ”. Crowded hotel dinners, parties, dances, crowded hostels. In short: it would be the nightclub encore in summer and the trigger for the third wave, according to experts Giovanni Rezza (director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health) and Franco Locatelli (president of the Higher Council of Health).
Towards the Dpcm
Then there is the topic of Christmas measurements. Today the majority heads of delegation will meet to begin finalizing the plan that will be in effect from December 4 (when the last Dpcm expires) until January 6 or 10. And that will be illustrated by Speranza in the Senate next Wednesday. The line is the familiar one and can be condensed into the motto: “Shopping yes, dinners no.”
Such is the fear of the third wave of the epidemic that the repeal for December 24 (with a curfew was moved to one in the morning) to allow participation in the Christmas Eve mass has almost evaporated: “The touch curfew also applies to this, “he said. Hope. And the repeal of the suspension of traffic between Regions (even in the yellow zone) that could be introduced around Christmas, due to family reunification, will probably also be shelved.
Last update: 01:13