Count on the scale, Matteo Salvini opens up to the crowd – Time


Luigi Frasca

Matteo Salvini opens himself to the government of the boatmen. The leader of the League breaks the delay and after taking a more institutional tone and open to dialogue, fully aware that this is not the time to break but to build, he goes further. When asked if he was willing to support a government of boatmen, he responded with “we are here,” a bolt from nowhere inside and outside the center-right coalition. “We are accompanying the country to new elections with a serious government, but we are concerned because in Italy there is a firm and quarrelsome executive that talks about reorganization and electoral law,” he argues. The reasoning is articulated because it is not a change of line, explain sources from the Carroccio, rather it is “a recognition”. Invoking the vote in early 2021 is unrealistic – due to vaccination plans and a pandemic – and therefore “accompanying the country to elections another government would be inevitable.

In short, the League is “ready to commit, provided that the ballot boxes are guaranteed as soon as possible.” Therefore, to get out of the current crisis it is necessary, immediately, a confrontation with Prime Minister Conte, with whom he should meet next week. In this scenario, Salvini does not call for elections, on the contrary, he agrees with those in via Bellerio –like Giorgetti and Fontana– who support the line of a government with everyone inside or, to use a more refined concept, that of the executive of national responsibility that Italians take to the polls with natural expiration in 2023. Words that certainly make noise, which are interpreted by those who tend to distrust, such as one side of Matteo Renzi, whose speech Salvini thanked in the Senate with thunderous applause. Not only that, the measure smells like a “wink” to the head of state, Sergio Mattarella, whom the leader of the Northern League has defined as “guarantor of the country’s cohesion.”

And while Silvio Berlusconi values ​​that dialogue and responsible soul that the ally highlights, Giorgia Meloni certainly does not agree. The president of Fdi has repeatedly said that after the Conte government there is only the call to the polls. It is unthinkable that Meloni supports an executive even out of love for his country, sitting next to Pd and M55, so much as to define “the scenario of unreachable bridge governments” and that “if we want to replace Conte, we certainly will not defend him by opposing us, but we won’t. ” I was never part of any government with those who support it today ”.

In circles close to the party, they consider “incomprehensible” the line of the road chief Bellerio – also not agreed with the allies, they want to specify – that first he asks for an audience with the President of the Republic and then lays the groundwork for a confrontation with Conte, almost wanting strengthen it in a moment of weakness. But in the hottest moment of Conte2 not even Matteo Renzi’s attacks stop. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper Pais, he evokes the crisis in the government, just when Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte participates in the European Council in Brussels. And this time both M55 and Pd intervene in defense of the Prime Minister. “It is irresponsible to attack the government to which it belongs, also from a foreign newspaper, even threatening a crisis while the European Council is still running and Italy is asserting its motives,” exclaims the head of the 5 Star delegation. , Alfonso Bonafede. “Not only is it not acceptable, but it is disrespectful to all Italians.” But the most difficult answer comes from the Democratic Party. And it goes straight to the point. The crisis evoked by Renzi and the conviction of leader IV that the vote is not the most obvious result. «Vote in case of crisis? No, first you have to check if there is a majority.
