Count on the 2020 Christmas decree: “Strong concern about the sharp rise in the curve. But we guarantee a minimum of sociability.” All the sizes


“The zone method worked, we avoided the generalized lockdown. In the coming days all regions could fall into the yellow area. However, the situation remains difficult and throughout Europe. And among our experts there is great concern that In the Christmas period, the contagion curve may increase “. The premier repeats it Giuseppe Conte during the press conference at the end of a very long day. Summits, meetings, debates and finally around 8:00 p.m. the approval of the Council of Ministers to the long-awaited decree on the new grip for the Christmas holidays. Italy for the Christmas holidays will be red from the eve to the Befana: a running of the bulls a hiccup between ten ‘reds’, only holidays and the eve of holidays (December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 December 2020 and 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 January 2021) and four ‘orange’ days (28 , December 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021). In the end, the government decided to introduce more restrictive measures, opening the possibility of visits by two who do not live together but excluding those ‘under 14’ from the count. In fact, the text does not specify the need for a degree of relationship, since it had been ventilated, to allow visits. Thus, it will be possible to go to family and friends even on red days.


New Christmas Decree 2020, green light for the CDM to close: red zone from the day before to Befana, orange on weekdays Exceptions for two guests and children under 14 years old, it is possible to leave the municipalities

by Tommaso Ciriaco

Ten red days

“We had to reinforce the measures, it was a painful decision,” he assures us. We motivated a red zone in the period from December 24 to January 6 on holidays and days prior to holidays. We leave the house only for reasons of work, necessity and health. 22 religious services are possible. It is possible to receive up to two people who do not live at home with their children under 14 years of age. It is a measure that we have designed to allow minimum of sociability that corresponds to this period – Conte summarizes from Palazzo Chigi – On red days beauty centers, bars and restaurants will remain open and supermarkets, grocery stores, essential items, pharmacies and parapharmacies, hairdressers and barbers will remain open “, Conte explains. During the days of Christmas from the red zone it will be allowed to carry out” physical activity close to home and individual outdoor sports “.

Who can we invite to our Christmas table? The kinship obligation is omitted

by Alessandra Ziniti

Four days in the orange zone

“The entire national territory will be the orange zone on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4. On these days you can move exclusively within your municipality without justifying the reason. To know municipalities of up to 5000 inhabitants up to 30 km but not in the provincial capitals. The bars and restaurants remain closed except for take-out and home deliveries. The shops will be open until 9 pm, “continues the premier. The curfew is still at 10 pm.

They have been hectic days, amid hypotheses first of easing measures and then closures on the model of Angela Merkel’s Germany. The premier of the conference specifies that “we are not wasting time”: the measures adopted today by the CDM “go from December 24 to January 6, it is just one more intervention in a Christmas plan prepared in advance. That said, We have always said that we will advance on the scientific evidence, if our CTS tells us that a circulation of the virus is expected, not only in Italy but in Europe, which requires measures, we defend the country and intervene immediately, as we have always done with awareness “.

Christmas dpcm, the calendar of red and orange days: rules, prohibitions, exceptions. Everything you need to know for the holidays

During Christmas, 645 million soft drinks for restaurant bars

We are “next to” the operators that will participate in these measures. “We have suspended contributions and taxes for those who have losses. Those who suffer economic damages must be restored immediately. This decree immediately provides relief of 645 million for restaurants and bars – specifies Giuseppe Conte at the press conference – With the new aid stations in January we will also compensate the losses for other operators in addition to restaurants and bars and we will create equalization measures ”. And it also responds to the many critics On the cashback received in recent days: “But it is not a friendly measure of the social gatherings, but a friend of the citizens and helps the citizens even in this difficult moment. It is the first step for the digitization of the country ”.


The premier encloses a date on the calendar in red, December 27. “We are facing the end of this nightmare, we are moving towards vaccination day on December 27 in Italy and a first group of European countries with restrictive measures. We will not solve the problem on December 27. We will intervene with a vaccination plan that We already have anticipated: we must find in this certainty the strength to close this horrible chapter together. ”Then he specifies:“ We do not foresee the mandatory vaccine: we offer it as an option but we have already started to promote a campaign to explain to everyone that the vaccine will be tested by the most reputable institutions in Europe and it will be safe. It will be offered to everyone and we hope everyone is ready to embrace this deal. “

“School, we work to return to the classroom on January 7”

Conte repeats it, he has the reopening of schools in his heart. “We have planned a resumption of face-to-face teaching from January 7,” he says. For the government, the school is not a hotbed, but we have to work on what revolves around the school, starting with transportation. “It is very difficult to organize staggered entries at the national level.”

“In the government, list of priorities then new confrontation”

A reference to the chaos of the majority in this last period is inevitable. “Citizens cannot tolerate the uncertainty in sharing the objectives of the majority and that is why we urgently need to complete the discussion. In the next few days we will have on the table some content, the proposals of the majority forces. We will discuss all together on these points and define the priority and we will have to tell the country, beyond the challenge of the pandemic and the vaccination plan, where we want to go “and between the points” certainly there is also the Recovery Plan – says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi – We urgently need to complete the confrontation immediately. We all met with delegations from the majority forces. I believe that these clarifications and comparisons are necessary for us to recover the reasons for cohesion, clarity of purpose and shared objectives, and they are expected throughout the country. In the next few days we will have to define priorities, we will once again confront the delegations of the political forces, all together this time ”, he concludes. Conte.
