Count in the minority among Italians. The poll that freezes the former prime minister – Il Tempo


After the resignation of the Prime Minister, the Demopolis Institute asked Italians to evaluate the 16 months of Conte’s second government: more than 4 out of 10 citizens (41%) promote the work of the Executive, while a negative judgment is expressed by almost half (48%) of the interviewees. A result that does not differ much from the latest polls on the strength of the parties. The positive opinion on the Premier that is confirmed slightly higher, by 44%, compared to the general assessment of the Executive.

Memorial Day, Count

Along with the Prime Minister, according to the Demopolis analysis for Otto e Mezzo (La7), there are 5 most appreciated ministers of the outgoing government. In the first place, with 36% the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, followed by 33% by the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri. At the same time, at 32%, Italians point to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio and the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini. Fifth, Francesco Boccia, at the forefront in recent months in the complex relationship with the Regions.

Health and budget options remain the key combination Italians have been looking for for months. The confirmation comes from the appreciation expressed by Italians towards other particularly visible exponents of Conte bis: on the podium of vice ministers and undersecretaries, we find Pierpaolo Sileri, vice minister of Health, in first place with 34%. In second place with 23%, Stefano Buffagni, Vice Minister of Economic Development, followed with 20% by the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa.

Deep down, in the face of a crisis that has disoriented public opinion, the growing concerns of citizens persist: according to the Institute survey led by Pietro Vento, labor and employment policies are confirmed as the absolute priority of the Government indicated by more than 80% Italians. Second, with 75%, investments in public health. About 2/3 report the necessary relaunch of the country’s productive fabric and the reduction of the tax burden. If the job remains firm in the first position, in the trend of Demopolis, the move of health care from fifth to second place in the priorities of Italians seems significant in recent months.

At the Circo de Conte, nine managers loaned by the Democratic Party
