Count: «Draghi? He wanted me to lead the EU Commission, but he told me he was tired. “


In the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians he will vote Yes. The Prime Minister breaks the delay and in the dispute between the pros and cons he openly takes the green light to reduce the number of deputies and senators. “This is a reform voted by the overwhelming parliamentary majority – explains the prime minister in the party of Daily occurrence – If you go from 945 to 600 deputies, the opinion of the Prime Minister is that no parliamentary prerogative is compromised. With the new regulations, whoever is elected will feel even more responsible. Conte goes even further. «I hope for an electoral law like the one resulting from the majority agreement: I really like constructive distrust. If it’s about preferences, I don’t see it as negative, it would come later. In the past we have had electoral exchanges, patronage, there have been distortions, but I like the principle of preferences.

Mattarella’s reelection

The Prime Minister, interviewed by Peter Gómez and Antonio Padellaro, speaks freely about all current political issues, proposing assessments that are destined to be discussed. Like the future of the Quirinal, given that Sergio Mattarella’s mandate expires in 2022. “If the conditions existed, even from his point of view, to accept a second term, he would see it very well. I believe that President Mattarella is playing his role in a very challenging context impeccably, with great balance and wisdom.

The offer to Mario Draghi

And then the speech falls on another prominent figure like Mario Draghi. «When I praise Mario Draghi, they are not linguistic tributes. I tell you one thing: when there was the new European legislature and we worked to create the new team, at one point I tried to create a consensus for Draghi as president of the EU commission. I contacted him because I didn’t want to waste his name in vain. He told me that he was tired, that he wanted to rest, and that he was not available. My feeling is that when you call him by name you pull him off his jacket. I do not see him as a rival: he is a valuable person, an excellence of the country that has done very well at European level.

Lack of agreement for Regionals

Conte is not optimistic about the next regional elections, where he also tried to put his weight in the field to favor an agreement between the Pd and the M5S (carried out only in Liguria): “I see the majority forces in the regional ones in difficulty, we have a center -United right while the majority goes in no particular order. It is, therefore, an unequal struggle but it will not affect the government because the context is different. At the national level we have the perspective of working with the recovery plan. My appeal from someone It was misunderstood. It was a call that did not want to indicate candidates, but rather a call for dialogue. In my opinion, a call for dialogue should be made between the majority forces, I would continue and I will continue to do so. We are getting to know each other better, we are working together. We take note of the fact that dialogue at the territorial level has failed. We respect territorial sensitivities, but the direction of travel must be that, no one can refuse to sen come to the table.

September 5, 2020 (change September 5, 2020 | 15:58)

