Count bis finished, let’s talk about the


“The Conte 2 experience is already on file for me. If you wish, we can discuss later. Renzi cannot understand the fact that some of his former party colleagues still do not believe him, and even yesterday, speaking of the executive, he had to repeat the refrain of “game over”, “also because I should hide on Mars if I change my mind “. . And it is an idea that was strengthened after the premier’s television performance. “Did you hear what he said about the delegation of services?” He commented with a leader of the Democratic Party: “He made it a party problem. A joke worthy of an institutional illiterate ». Renzi is not afraid of counterattacks that would make him irrelevant in Parliament, rumors about the strength of his groups and the simultaneous arrival of a group of “leaders” in support of Conte: his countdown to the crisis “will not stop”.

The first step will be formalized tomorrow, when I present the observations of Iv. to the draft of the Recovery plan prepared by Palazzo Chigi: thirty pages and one hundred objections will serve to reject “a collage of evidence without vision, full of repetitions and with wrong paragraphs.” The second step will be his speech in the Senate at the end of the year, on a budget that will vote to avoid the provisional exercise of the country. The third, about which many have reservations, will take place “in the first days of January, when I will also take the courage for Di Maio and Zingaretti”. The blow to the chancellor and the secretary of the Democratic Party serves as a reminder of what a dem representative in the government does not struggle to recognize: “About a month ago, half of my party and a part of M5S had made a pact with Renzi, except then withdraw “.

What was the reason for the discomfort towards Conte was evident: the forces of The majority did not accept that the prime minister – with his movements on the Recovery Fund and the secret services – “transform the structures of the State in his own image and likeness, with the aim of organizing a personal party to empty the Movement, vampirize the Democratic Party and annihilate Iv “. And it does not matter today if you did not want to follow up on the criticism or if you were too ahead of the times: the fact is that Renzi insists on opening Pandora’s box. In this context, the idea that the legislator could fall towards the polls does not seem to take root: “The elections do not exist”, cuts short the leader of the Democratic Party Delrio.

Thus, the majority is at the crossroads of a crisis that for now does not exist but that of done is already activated. The moment will be marked by the management of a complicated negotiation on the coming government, between new actors and old rivalries. The long-distance tug of war between Renzi and Franceschini, for example, is a long-distance story. At the moment direct communications are interrupted, and one sends signals to the other: if the IV leader mocks his former party partner by calling him “Ribéry”, the Minister of Culture recalls that he is a “fan of Spal not of Fiorentina” ; if Franceschini maintains that “it is impossible to agree with Matteo”, Renzi considers “Dario a kind of forensic, who intervenes only at the last moment to certify political deaths”.

However, the picture of the situation testifies to the exhaustion of the thrust Propeller of Count 2, which paradoxically still stands due to mistrust between the allies. But since the country cannot be governed by a paradox, as the Defense Minister explained in a confidential conversation, “first we must reset everything and rebuild a climate of mutual trust.” This is the indispensable prerequisite for the current coalition to find a new balance, since in the passing of a crisis everyone hands over a part of their destiny into the hands of others.

It will be a complicated exercise, but it is proof that you are beginning to believe credible Renz’s offense. And deep down there is an unspeakable truth for Cinquestelle and the Democratic Party: many of its leaders hope that Iv will not back down. Otherwise you would not understand the anxious positioning that is a prelude to a change of scenery, the discussions about who and how could manage the new stage. And it is not ruled out that in the end, due to opposing vetoes, Conte will triumph again himself. “It may be, even if trusting a Count 3 – Renzi trusted a member of the Democratic Party – it would cost me.” Who knows why at this point the executive dem smelled the smell of burning and remained suspicious …

December 26, 2020 (change December 26, 2020 | 23:18)

