An assumption of full responsibility by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who was responsible for the appointment of the former rector of the Sapienza University of Rome Eugenio Gaudio as health commissioner in Calabria, a position that the same professor resigned yesterday. “I am sorry for the Calabrians who deserve an answer after years of medical negligence. I take responsibility not only for the fact that Gaudio’s appointment was not successful, but also for the previous appointments”. To the newspapers The Republic me The impression the premier gave his mea culpa for the mess of Calabrian Health Commissioners. Conte admitted that the choice of Gaudio, but also Giuseppe Zuccatelli, was his, despite the fact that there was a discussion with the other ministers involved, who supported the appointments.
The prime minister assured that no fissure has been opened in the majority of the government, trying to appease the rumors of internal disagreements in a very delicate moment. Conte’s position appears to waver, but the prime minister aims to clear the clouds by taking responsibility for the latest acts. “After the missteps we have taken, we feel a responsibility to point out the right person with the right skills in the field of accounting and healthcare organization.”, raised, putting an end and already thinking about future movements. From the Palazzo Chigi, the Prime Minister announces that “Il decision-making process It was developed in a linear manner and in full comparison with all the ministers directly involved: the proposal corresponds to the Minister of Economy, in agreement with the Minister of Health, with the opinion of the Minister of Regional Affairs and the resolution of the Council of Ministers. And the process also provides for the opinion of the President of the Calabria Region. Finally my signature at the bottom “.
On the resignation of Gaudio, whom Conte said he had never met before, the prime minister explained that he was aware of the personal issues, but that the former rector himself had assured him that he would approve them. For her part, the teacher told al Corriere della Sera: “Clear the field immediately. “. Gaudio asked for time, one day to decide together with the family, but at night he declined the invitation. Meanwhile, the news had already gotten out, creating embarrassment within the government.