Yes to the exceptions for traveling between small towns at Christmas. But Parliament will take full responsibility for this. This is the warning issued by Giuseppe Conte During the closing press conference of the European Council to the political forces (especially those of the opposition but also Italia viva and a part of the Pd and M5S) who press to modify the travel decree to allow mobility between municipalities at Christmas.
Covid, government without numbers in the Senate. Conte changes the Christmas decree
by Carmelo Lopapa

“If Parliament, assuming all responsibilities – reiterated the prime minister – wants to grant some exceptions for smaller municipalities, there will be a confrontation. Parliament is sovereign.” However, he warned: “Any measure that may be an exception must be taken with great caution, if the system in general fails, we run the risk of unleashing a third wave of contagion.”
Government and covid
Covid, the ban on moving has been relaxed. No di Speranza: “Serious mistake”
by Tommaso Ciriaco

The answer to Renzi …
Regarding the fibrillations of these regions within the majority, Conte responds indirectly to Matteo renzi, which this morning threatened to withdraw its support for the government if the prime minister does not give up in the management of European funds: “I will continue as long as there is a majority that supports me.” And then he added: “There are very critical instances, we have to understand what they are hiding. I want to meet with each delegation of the majority forces and then see everyone collectively to speak clearly.”
Renzi: “The government falls if Conte does not withdraw.” Bonafede: “It is disrespectful to threaten the current crisis in the Council of the EU.” Zingaretti: “No one should ask for a setback”

… and Salvini’s
Then, responding to Matteo salvini who asked Conte for a meeting: “We will also face the opposition. The table for confrontation is always open, we will meet with the League and the other center-right forces that wish it.”
center right
Salvini opens a government of national unity to accompany the country to the vote: “We are here”

European vaccination day
The Prime Minister then addressed the issue of vaccines. “If we succeed, we will try to organize Vaccine Day to show that Europe starts together.” And the EU Council described the agreement reached on the Recovery Fund as “historic” “without renouncing any of our principles, we reaffirm the principle of the rule of law”.
Green Deal, the EU reaches an agreement: 40 to 55% reduction of emissions by 2030
by our correspondent Alberto d’Argenio

Regeni case: Italian trial to ensure the truth
When answering a question about the Regeni case, Conte praised the work of the Rome Prosecutor’s Office: “We have elements that denote an evidentiary framework that has some solidity – he stressed – and will allow the holding of an Italian trial to ensure the truth about a death It happened in a brutal way. Italy has always asked for the truth and is doing everything possible to achieve it. It will be a credible process of international importance. “