(ANSA) – FLORENCE, DEC 07 – Eight people were placed under house arrest for an investigation by the Massa (Massa Carrara) carabinieri on alleged advantages to a cooperative, Serinper, which manages protected facilities for the reception of minors and disadvantaged family families , in exchange for “hiring relatives and friends of public officials and of those who, for any reason, are considered ‘useful to the cause. Among the beneficiaries of the precautionary measures are the mayor of Villafranca in Lunigiana, three managers of the cooperative, three public employees and a former honorary judge of the Florence juvenile court.
The investigation, coordinated by the Massa Prosecutor’s Office, would have revealed, the investigators explain, “a proven system of corruption” that would have allowed the cooperative’s administrators to obtain “the accumulation of enormous economic gains maximized by the inclusion of users within the structures in a considerably higher number than allowed by law, and by the systematic avoidance of compliance with the contractual obligations stipulated with the different organs of the PA. ”The researchers explain that there have been” very serious violations of the minimum standards required. ” which consist of providing the guests of the facilities, even minors, “food of poor quality and in insufficient quantities”, in “failing to guarantee adequate hygienic and sanitary conditions and assistance from qualified personnel”, “in making minors sleep in beds improvised, as well as harassing them with continuous threats and subjecting them to physical restraint called ‘containment’ “. (HANDLE).