The 25-year-old told the prosecutor, during the 8-hour questioning, that his Rolex and Smart had been stolen. The two thieves, both convicted by Sant’Antimo, Domenico Romano, 39 years old, and Ciro ChirolloThe 29-year-old had his precious watch stolen in via San Rocco under threat of a gun. According to the lawyer Domenico Della Gatta: “Given the result of the interrogation, my client ruled out that it was he who hit the two robbers, precisely because the group, probably made up of several people, also seized the car.”
The first to arrive at the crime scene were agents of the municipal police, who warned me carabinieri. The forensic findings began immediately, as did the search for images from video surveillance systems, which were later found.
There are no public cameras in the area, only those of some individuals. At first, researchers believed it was there. Smart to slam the scooter. The collision would have caused the dispersion of various parts of the bodywork of the two vehicles. Then, again according to the first reconstruction, the car, voluntarily or not, would have passed over the bodies of the robbers, who in fact, in a first external examination, did not show gunshot wounds, but multiple trauma. Even some testimonies would have confirmed this first reconstruction.