
A turning point in the case of the corpses found inside three suitcases on a piece of land in Florence. It is about an anchor tattoo with the name of an Albanian city. This could be the key to giving a name and a face to the bodies left between the Fi Pi Li and the Sollicciano prison. The tattoo, as he explains Republic, was found on the man’s forearm and is one of the main items available to researchers.
Crossing the little information available with that contained in the files of missing persons, a particular case came to light. Is that of Salvation of Teuta Pasho, husband and wife of Albanian origin who disappeared in Castelfiorentino in November 2015, in circumstances that have never been clarified. Not only that, another condition has caught the attention of the prosecutor and the police. At that time the couple’s son was detained in Sollicciano prison. Even if it is too early to draw conclusions.

Meanwhile, the position of the suitcases, at a distance of dozens of meters from each other and along the route of the highway, leads investigators to believe that they were thrown from a passing car. These are assumptions that will be evaluated once the results of the autopsy of the woman’s body are obtained. For her husband, however, the coroner has already assumed that he was murdered. with a throat wound.