Ascoli Piceno, September 4, 2020 – More than 1,300 kilometers separate Litoměřice, a small town in the Czech Republic north of Prague, in Martinsicuro. Road traveled between the afternoon of Sunday, August 23 and the day after Markéta Adamcova me Tomas Cerveny. A vacation of love. It sounds strange when you read the age of the two, she is not yet of age with the appearance of a child. She is an adult man, 40 years old, a bus driver at home.
Read also: Body found in Giulianova, maybe it’s boyfriend Tomás
“They were planning their future,” says his mother, Irene, contacted through social networks. A desperate mom, who clings to her youngest son, 11, to try to cope with this pain. Surviving children should never happen. “Markéta is our treasure – writes Irene -. She graduated from high school with honors, she loves to paint and does it very well, she is passionate about horses. Then, from the Google translator, the verbs begin to be in the past tense: “He loved life, nature, Photography, the airplanes. Master her boyfriend. She was smart, beautiful, selfless. Just amazing. She loved her family. ‘
The hope of holding her has slowly faded in recent days. The body of a young woman found in the Bilge on Sunday, newspaper articles, the consulate on the move, and many, too many, botched phone calls. «The last time you contacted us via WhatsApp Saturday, August 30 at 10 p.m.. We are devastated, without information. We don’t know what to do, it will be difficult without it. We are just crying.
The autopsy revealed that the young woman is drowned. “Mother he knew how to swim»Irene says, who also has words with honey for Tomás:« It was a friendly man and I would have taken the blue of the sky for our daughter. ‘ The couple should have returned to their homeland yesterday, after almost two weeks of stay in Italy, in the small apartment on the second and last floor of a building in via delle Lampare in Martinsicuro.
But the Adriatic Sea did not let him out and the two bodies (although today’s examinations will be decisive for their confirmation) were found days later and 20 kilometers from each other. There are still many aspects to be clarified, for now there is the pain of a mother who a few months ago on Facebook had published a photo of her daughter, holding a fox in her arms. A girl who is not yet of age and has the face of a child, too small to face death.
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