Zangrillo, in March-April would have died ++
In those months with such a high viral load, the result was different from now
(ANSA) – MILAN, SEPTEMBER 10 – “The viral load of Berlusconi’s nasopharyngeal swab was so high that in March-April, it certainly would not have had the result that it fortunately has now. Would it have killed him? Absolutely yes, most likely yes , and he knows it. And it is not a joke to exaggerate given the character we are talking about, but it is an attempt to stick to reality. ”This was stated by Alberto Zangrillo, head of intensive care at San Raffaele, guest of Piazzapulita in La7, speaking of the conditions of Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi, hospitalized for bilateral coronavirus pneumonia. “Let’s say that” Briatore and Berlusconi “are in more than satisfactory situations, they are doing well, for them I think the epilogue of this disease is near” added.
“The fundamental thing about the intervention in Berlusconi was not so much the therapy that he followed once he was admitted to the hospital, but rather that he understood that he had to go to the hospital and that he had to go there at that stage. Ten hours later it could be too late, because a patient is at risk for known reasons. “This was stated by Alberto Zangrillo, head of intensive care at San Raffaele, guest of Piazzapulita in La7, clarifying that the decisive factor for the FI leader” must to be decisive for all “patients, that is to say” to take charge of it on time in the territory. “It is much more important to give directions to general practitioners than to create new intensive care stations that we hope never to use,” he added. And then it is essential to have very clear ideas about the fact that the timeliness of the intervention is essential. .