Coronavirus, with antigenic swabs, would the contagion data double in Trentino? From Santa: ” About 20% of those who tested positive for us ”


TRENTO. ”Gives a week we find around 20% positives among those tested in people subjected to nasopharyngeal swab. A steady growth that has seen our graphs go from 4% a month ago to gradually increase: lsecond week of October we were all’8%, the third to 10%, the fourth about 14%” What are we talking about? From antigenic test (or ‘quick swabs’ which give the result in about twenty minutes). Who is talking? IT IS’ Azelio De Santa health director of the Health Project, a Trentino company that for more than 30 years deals with safety and disease prevention in the workplace, specialist in occupational medicine and industrial hygieneee secretary of the Trentino Alto Adige section ofAssociation of competent doctors.

Since for days the Apss and the Province to direct and specific questions from the dolomites they do not have never answered and did not provide data on how many positives were found in Trentino with i antigenic test And since the only thing the APSS has told us is that fluctuate between several dozen and several hundred per day and it seems to us that at least double the positives provided each day with the official bulletin, we tried to ask those who have been conducting rapid tests for three months, almost two months before the APSS, which, as is known, for several weeks preferred to avoid and discourage the use of these tests, which also already demonstrated their full efficacy with symptomatic ones and especially in detecting and limiting the spread of outbreaks.

A battle, that of know how many are positive with the rapid test, what are we doing as a matter of transparency towards citizens because if you only knew real numbers of infected people who circulate and surround us also in Trentino we are convinced that people’s awareness of what is happening would be much higher. And then you could Try to stop the epidemic wave first repeating that everything is fine, that “we would have been a green zone”, and showing the Tampon results often done to look for negativity Instead of positivity, the pandemic will continue to proliferate.

In fact, the analyzes carried out by Gedi Visual every day for Repubblica, show that Trentino is among the territories that in proportion to the swabs made (which are many, as President Fugatti repeats every day) is among the national territories that fewer people test. In fact, if you look at the data on the percentage of positive people found reported atested people it turns out that for days Trentino is close to 50% while the contagion / buffer ratio is about 10% (Apss data for the last week). This is because many Molecular swabs are control, repeated to the same people, and many others are more useful for finding negatives than positives. (We know that a person “ releases ” it after negative molecular swabbing.)

And the swab case connected to antigen tests. If until last week, in fact, after antigen positivity a molecular control swab was done to confirm the infection a few days ago the Apss realized that it was unable (for some time and in fact we have told you several times) to check people in time: tampons arrived in 7-10 days after the discovery of positivity and most of the time they ended up, for this reason, finding people already negative. ‘To day what finally took note of the full efficacy of antigen testing molecular ‘confirmation’ swabs are no longer made – confirms De Santa – but they are made to verify the negativity at the end of the disease and, therefore, are specifically performed after several days. ”

So he data referring to the instrument that finds the positive (let’s put that in a single day there are 400/500 and they are not random numbers) is not made public while the one referred to the instrument that verifies that negativity is communicated (between one ten days will arrive 400/500 negatives more in the report with so many buffers that the contagion / buffer ratio is further reduced). And then there’s the process that those who test positive for an antigen must follow. In fact, until formal communication from the APSS arrives, everything is left to the person: the person must be quarantined and notify their closest contacts.

This is because often It takes several days before Apss ships the order. isolation and in this period the general practitioner cannot issue a certificate of illness if the subject is asymptomatic, which often forces him to resort to forced vacation. ”For this we make the person conducting the test wait at our facilities – continues De Santa – e we do not send it immediately sending the result home. Because we know that there is little communication and therefore if it is positive we try to understand if you understood the seriousness of the situation, we give instructions for work, school, by and contacts close. The feeling is that there is no clarity at the procedural level. ”

me I think De Santa had written to APSS months ago asking a meeting of executives, to propose protocols, to invite them to promote antigen testing immediately, to use to find buds beforehand and avoid finding yourself in the situation you are experiencing today. ”We got no response – he explains – but none at all. As a category we find it inexplicable and in fact for several weeks we have seen public statements against this virus tracking technique. It is a pity. We would also have developed a protocol for companies to apply to ensure the health of those who work and at the same time also try to do everything possible for people to work.. Because today, if an employee tests positive, he sends all his colleagues to quarantine. With antigen testing and a contact management protocol, we believe we could help the system to ensure health and work. ”
