Coronavirus, why don’t the dead fall? How are they counted? The person in charge of the ISS report on deaths: “Excess mortality is in line with EU countries”


First of all, it clears the field of complaints: “Who falls within the bulletins of SARS-CoV-2 died of Covid-19 ″. In other words: “If I hadn’t contracted the virus, I would probably be alive today,” he says. Graziano down, responsible for the mortality report of coronavirus Dell ‘Higher Institute of Health, as well as head of the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases and Aging of the same Institute. Faced with the tragic numbers of deceased due to the pandemic, with more than 500 deaths in weeks, a registration on December 3, 993 victims and a total of 58,038 From February until today, the geriatrician at the Gemelli polyclinic in Rome emphasizes: “Having one of the older populations the world affects. And in italy you don’t age well “. Not only that: “Sociality probably has a weight.” But it specifies that if the number of deaths in recent months is compared with the deaths of past years, “theexcess Italian is online with many European countries “.

Are we talking about deaths from Covid or Covid?
People die from Covid. We have released precise indications, developed by the WHO, on how a death is certified and with Istat we calculate the excess mortality: in March and April we had 40% more deaths, which would not have happened without Sars. -Cov-2.

What criteria are used to determine who died of Covid?
The positivity of the swab, the presence of compatible clinical symptoms such as fever and cough, the absence of different causes. To be clear: if a positive is a victim of a car accident, it will not be among the Covid deaths. Then there is a fourth criterion: the absence of clinical negativization, that is, if a person has become ill, has become negative and dies a month, they have not died of Covid.

Given how many tampons could be made in March and April, so are we probably underestimating the number of deaths?
Of course, looking at what happened, for example, at RSAs in March and April, the total number of deaths from Covid is underestimated.

Only the elderly die from Covid?
Not only that, but largely yes. Only 1% of the deceased were under 50 years of age. Younger infected people die much less.

Is there a previous illness even among the youngest deceased?
Yes, comorbidity is also very common among them. Having other illnesses gives you a vulnerability to illness.

We speak in many cases of cardiovascular and renal diabetes.
That’s right, so without Covid they would have had another life expectancy.

We have exceeded 58 thousand victims. We are one of the countries in the world with the most deaths and also in terms of fatality. Is it possible to define the causes?
The case fatality rate (the relationship between infected and deceased, ed) is not a good parameter, we have already publicly explained why: it is influenced by many factors, including how many positives are found and also how countries count deaths. Rather, excess mortality must be followed. This parameter, which we calculate together with Istat, tells us that we are in line with other European countries: Italy is around 40%, like Belgium. Spain is 60%, Great Britain 55, Sweden 30. The only doubt comes from Germany which, with a population very similar to ours, has an excess mortality of 5%. I am looking forward to discussing with colleagues from Robert Koch Institute (the German equivalent of the ISS, ed) to try to clarify where this marked difference comes from.

Do social habits also influence?
Yes, summer taught us: frequent social contacts are the most widespread vector. Countries like ours, or like Spain, are exposed to greater risks and live a longer family. All the more reason we must be good at containing sociability in the next 2-3 months, then there is the vaccine, a light at the end of the tunnel.

What is the burden of having one of the oldest populations in the world?
This affects a lot. The structure of the population has an influence factor. Although the German figure out of scale remains to be clarified.

The dead usually have two or more comorbidities. Did we care more than others before the pandemic?
We live long, but unfortunately we don’t age well. The elderly arrive in old age with significant disabilities and illnesses, this has influenced the prognosis during the pandemic. And above all it should lead us to reflect on the importance of prevention and the need to invest in health campaigns, including vaccines.

If we look at the number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in the regions, there is still a high incidence today, especially in the north of the country. Is it possible to explain why?
Everything is influenced by the first wave, in which we were less prepared and the epidemic was concentrated in that area of ​​the country, while the South remained almost immune at that time. In this epidemic phase this is not the case, mortality is more distributed. And it is the reason why we do not see scenes like the one of the military cars loaded with coffins that unfortunately passed through the streets of Bergamo.

In this second wave we have already reached the death peak?
I think so, since the peak of infections usually follows 2-3 weeks. I hope they start to decline soon.

In recent days, the number of victims has undergone major changes. Why do deaths follow a less linear growth and decline curve than infections and hospitalizations?
It is an unfathomable variability. But when they go down, they will do so consistently. However, we must be aware that they will decrease more slowly than infections.

The majority of deaths are generally thought to occur in the ICU. Is that so? The data provided by the Veneto region seems to suggest otherwise.
We need to consider what we call intensive care. There are also ordinary sub-intensive and converted wards in which respiratory assistance is provided, so that seriously ill patients can also be helped. Of course, today everyone is guaranteed the necessary care.

From a prevention point of view, what went wrong before the second wave?
We carry with us the mistakes of last summer, when between almost zero deaths and a decrease in infections, some behaviors did not meet the recommendations. It is no coincidence that in recent months the greatest number of infections has affected the youngest, or the segment of the population that has a more intense social life, and then the virus has spread again in families.

Is it reasonable to meet grandparents during the Christmas season or not?
Common sense must be used. Let me explain: there is an emotional and psychological aspect to sharing Christmas, but today there is also a health aspect. With grandparents, therefore, I usually say yes, but surely. Tables and masks so widely spaced even in the home environment, including children.

Can swabbing from the previous days help?
It is a possibility, but it cannot be a strategy applicable to 60 million people to give a semblance of normality to Christmas. And above all, having a negative tampon does not exempt you from respecting the anti-contagion rules. This certainly won’t be New Year’s Eve during which we can make out under the mistletoe.
