Coronavirus, WHO: “Europe, quarantine errors.” Lockdown in Bavaria – Abroad


Rome, October 20, 2020 – The alarm is raised around the world for the coronavirus pandemic. And while theArgentina has exceeded one million cases, thewho Wand Europe for quarantine management. L ‘Ireland is the first European country to return to the confinement in the second wave of Covid-19.

Europe, soft quarantine

The soaring number of coronavirus cases in the Northern Hemisphere is due to the fact that people who came into contact with an infected person “have not been quarantined for an adequate period,” says WHO emergency director Michael. Ryan. “It did not happen everywhere and in a systematic way but I am convinced that it is the main reason why we are seeing such high figures,” he added, specifying that in half of the 48 countries in Europe that are part of the Agency for UN Covid-19 cases increased by 50%.

New record in Germany

New record for coronavirus cases also in Germany: according to the Robert Koch Institute bulletin, 6,868 infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours, the highest number so far, and 47 deaths. Yesterday there were 4,325 positive cases and 12 deaths. With the latest data, the number of infected and 9,836 the number of victims amounts to 373,167.

Peak in Bavaria: lock

In Germany, the first partial and local blockade of the second wave of coronavirus has been decided. As of today, the measure takes effect in the district of Bertechsgardener Land in Bavaria, a stone’s throw from the Austrian border. And these are drastic measures: from 2pm you can go out from home only for urgent needs, the schools, kindergartens, restaurants and leisure facilities they close their doors, all public events are closed. Currently, the provision remains in effect for 14 days.
The fact is that in this area it has been 272.8 incidence over seven days of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants: this is the peak nationwide. The ‘ceiling’ established by the government is 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. The situation in Bavaria seems to be particularly critical: there are around 57 districts and districts in which 35 infections are exceeded per 100,000 inhabitants, in 29 municipalities the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 has been exceeded. Today, also in other Laender, it is debated whether and when to reinforce the measures aimed at containing the spread of the pandemic, including Brandenburg, Meclembergo and Saxony-Anhalt.

Lockdown Ireland, how it works

Ireland will be the first EU country to return to the coronavirus lockdown, the prime minister said yesterday. Micheal martin, issuing a national order of “Stay at home” but insisting that the schools will remain open. The measures that will go into effect for six weeks starting at midnight on Wednesday will see all retail stores nonessential closure e bars and restaurants limited to take out or delivery service only. “Everyone in the country is asked to stay home,” Martin said. Only the essential workers They will be “allowed to go to work,” he said, and citizens will only be able to exercise within five kilometers (three miles) of their residence.


The government warned in a statement that “there will be a sanction“for violating the five-kilometer restriction and that public transport will operate at 25% of its capacity to serve only essential workers. Martin said that schools and nurseries must remain open” because we cannot and cannot allow the future of our children and our youth is one more victim of this disease ”. The ban on visits between different families and indoor events will also be extended, although two families will be able to mix in outdoor places such as parks.

Immuni ‘talks’ to the apps from Germany and Ireland

Italy, Germany and Ireland are the first countries in the European Union to ensure the interoperability of contact tracking and alerting applications for Covid-19. The gateway sought by the European Commission to communicate the national tracking applications has been put into operation. “The virus does not stop at borders – remarked the Commission – to take full advantage of the potential of monitoring applications we have created a system at European level to make national applications for the coronavirus interact with each other”. The system was started with the German Corona-Warn app, the Irish COVID Tracker app and the Italian Immuni: overall, these apps were downloaded by approximately 30 million people, corresponding to two-thirds of all app downloads in the world. EU.

Argentina exceeds one million cases

With 12,982 infections in the last 24 hours, Argentina has exceeded one million cases of coronavirus. This was announced by the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires. It is the fifth country in the world to reach that figure. The latest report from the health authorities indicated that Covid-19 infections since March are now 1,002,662, and that the 451 deaths on the last day have caused the total death toll to rise to 26,716. Finally, there are currently 4,392 people admitted to intensive care, with an occupancy rate of 64% in the national territory and 63.2 ”in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires.

United States

The United States has registered 58,387 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, according to data provided by Johns Hopkins University. The victims since yesterday are 445. The total number of victims of the pandemic in the country is now 8,212,981 contagion me 220,119 deaths, according to the same source.


Brazil has reached a total of 154,176 deaths from coronavirus, after adding another 271 in the last 24 hours, according to data uploaded on Monday by the Ministry of Health to its online platform. The ministry also reported that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases now stands at 5,250,727.
