Coronavirus, what is the proposal of the ‘white zone’ for a Christmas a little freer


Enter a “white zone“for the Regions according to risk COVID-19 allow “a Christmas a little freer for the economy and social life.” This is the proposal – alternative to the new Dpcm – to the government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte presented by the president of the Liguria region. Giovanni toti.

The proposal of the ‘white zone’ for Christmas

The idea is to add this ‘white zone’ to the red, orange and yellow ones that Italians already know, thereby identifying an area in which the numerical drop of the pandemic would allow a little more autonomy, perhaps with bars and restaurants that can stay open even at night.

“I think it is more appropriate – Toti continues – to allow a Christmas a little freer since it is an important part of the country’s economy, and if we have to make any other sacrifice we will do it in January, both with the virus we will have to live with it throughout the spring, so in the ‘stop and start’ formula it is good to maintain a balance between financial well-being and containing the virus. I have already proposed to government that it is fair to maintain a diversification of the territories, because there are some who suffer more and that is why we must be more careful and others in which the situation is better and if citizens are careful we can continue ”, concludes Toti.

But not everyone likes the idea. “Let’s stop for now on the three colors we know, then after Christmas we will talk about it …”. This is the teacher’s answer Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Council of Health and member of the technical scientific committee that monitors the epidemiological trend of Covid, to the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, who formulated the idea.
