Coronavirus, what can and cannot be done with the new rules launched by the Government, from the mask to the Immune app


Are there fines for those who do not respect the anti-contagion rules?

The legislation provides an administrative penalty ranging from 400 euros to 1,000 euros for those who violate the anti-contagion regulations. Fines that are aggravated for those who do not respect quarantine: in this case there is a risk of criminal sanction with arrest of 3 to 18 months and a fine of 500 to 5,000 euros.


Are there still limits to attendance at the cinema, theater or concerts?

It is not yet possible to freely attend cinematographic, theatrical or musical performances. In fact, there is a limit of 200 people to go to the movies, theater and concerts indoors and a thousand people for those outdoors.


Can I move out of the region?

After the lockdown, as of June 3, 2020, it is allowed to move between different regions for any reason. Interregional movements may in any case be limited by state measures (Dpcm or ordinances of the Ministry of Health), for specific areas of the national territory, in accordance with principles of adequacy and proportionality to the real epidemiological risk.

Can I go to the park?

Yes, access to parks, villas and public gardens is allowed, avoiding gatherings and respecting the interpersonal safety distance of one meter and wearing a mask if you are not practicing sports. The mayor may order the temporary closure of specific public areas or areas open to the public where it is impossible to adequately guarantee compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter.


Has the state of emergency for coronavirus been extended in Italy?

The state of emergency linked to the health risk associated with the appearance of diseases derived from Covid-19 was extended until January 31, 2021. It was in force since January 31, 2020. The state of emergency grants the government and Protection Civil extraordinary or special powers. . It means that the execution of the interventions is carried out in derogation of the current provisions, but in accordance with the general principles of the legal system.


Is there an obligation to do a swab when returning from the Netherlands?

According to the new ordinance signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, operational as of October 8, 2020, those arriving in Italy from Great Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium must undergo the mandatory tampon. Until now, the obligation of molecular or antigen testing with swab was foreseen for those arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta, Spain, as well as from Paris and seven other regions of France (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Corsica, Hauts-de -France, Ile de France, New Aquitaine, Occitania, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur). The Ministry of Health has activated some information numbers: from Italy the free number 1500 and from abroad the numbers +39 0232008345 – +39 0283905385.
