The hypothesis of a curfew and distance learning for secondary schools has been rejected
| 14:06 – 16 October 2020
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The government is ready in the next few hours to launch new restrictive measures to counteract the increase in Sars-CoV-2 infections. The adviser to the Minister of Health, Walter Ricciardi, spoke of “Specific closures in the regions to allow the realization of school and productive activities.“The closure should affect gyms and commercial establishments defined as” non-essential “: beauty centers and hairdressers first. Ricciardi also spoke of smart work as”ordinary form of work throughout the countryThis should be the definite solution: the other hypothesis that has rebounded in the national press organs, namely the “curfew” at 9:00 pm and distance education for secondary schools, has been discarded. The epidemic in Italy is in an ‘acute phase’ and, in the next month, it runs the risk of reaching critical values in some Regions, according to the monitoring of the Ministry of Health-Iss. In 16 regions and 2 autonomous provinces the Rt index exceeds 1. There are 4,913 active outbreaks, 1,749 new ones. likely outbreaks in the school setting, even if intra-school transmission remains generally limited. Ten regions, including Emilia Romagna, finally, have a high risk for the resilience of intensive care, being close to exceeding the limit threshold of 30% placed on Covid sick.