PALERMO– Infections at the ‘Esperanza y Caridad’ Mission in Palermo continue to increase. And as a real outbreak spreads, the tension builds. A dramatic story in the drama of the pandemic. The founder, Biagio Conte, is on a pilgrimage. The latest news is in Scotland. Contacts are not easy, because Brother Biagio travels without a mobile phone, with the comfort of an occasional travel companion.
The Mission is the red zone
The latest news is represented by a note from the regional government. “The four structures of the” Mission Hope and Charity “of Biagio Conte, in Palermo, now become the red zone to counteract the spread of the Coronavirus, according to the president of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci, with his own ordinance, after more than thirty positive cases verified among the guests of the center.
The decision was made after a meeting with the health councilor Ruggero Razza and the general director of the ASP of Palermo Daniela Faraoni, who examined the progress of the infection and the dangerous promiscuity within the structures. The critical situation was accentuated by the refusal of almost all the subjects received to be taken to the Covid-Hotel San Paolo for mandatory quarantine.
At the centers, now, only health and social-health workers and personnel involved in assistance activities related to the emergency will be able to enter and leave.. To guarantee the effectiveness of the Musumeci ordinance, adopted in accordance with article 3 of Legislative Decree March 25, 2020 n. 19, the police must be outside the structures.
Technical groups from the Health Authority of the Region were already sent to the four Mission Centers yesterday verify full compliance with prevention measures and four teams from Usca to quickly swab the more than seven hundred guests “.
“Two missionaries hospitalized”
From what follows, the clinical picture some cases are getting worse. There is talk of one of the missionaries of the first hour hospitalized with pneumonia, in conditions that are not reassuring. The invitation is: ‘Let us pray for all’.
Later, a ‘message in a bottle’ arrives from via Decollati, a whatsapp in which you read as follows:
“Two missionaries have been hospitalized, Brother Giovanni with pneumonia and another brother is also in the hospital and we do not know what his general conditions are. The Mission thanks those who are currently doing something like the municipality, the region, the police, the ASP, MSF. We understand that it is necessary for all possible forces to come together to find solutions that help the Mission and the entire city. The Mission should not be understood as a private entity or a private property or an NGO, but as a Mission at the service of Hope, the Mission represents above all the generous heart of the city towards the multiple emergencies of material and spiritual poverty of this society .
The few missionaries and volunteers are at the end of their forces and they are still busy, trying to be vigilant but we ask that they continue to help the Mission with all possible help, even if it is with a good word. Whoever wants to do it, pray to God to help everyone. With the help of God and with the help of those who do good, we can overcome this moment. We remain united.
Peace and hope. Missionaries and volunteers of Hope and Charity ”.
Contagions increase, tension increases
The increase in infections, therefore, what worries in its progression. More than thirty positive guests arrived from the ‘Mission Hope and Charity in via Decollati’, where most of the abandoned who need care and assistance are welcomed. The community gate is guarded by the police, while ASP doctors are cleaning and proceeding with the detection. The next results will be known on Monday. Someone would like to go out, but you can’t. And only three migrants, welcomed by the Mission, agreed to be transferred to the Hotel San Paolo. Hence the tension that rises with the protests, even before the declaration of the ‘red zone’.
Orlando Mayor’s Letter
Mayor Orlando wrote a letter addressed to various institutional interlocutors. To the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, to the President of the Region, Nello Musumeci, to the Regional Health Councilor, Ruggero Razza, to the Prefect Giuseppe Forlani, to Daniela Faraoni, Director of the Asp. The letter on the emergency of the Mission says: “In recent days 4 cases of positivity to Covid-19 have been reported, after which, the regional health authorities, in liaison and contact with all local institutions and the Prefecture , have launched a massive detection and monitoring campaign. The situation arose, particularly in the larger structure, which houses some 600 foreign citizens, particularly serious, with a positive rate of more than 60% of the swabs performed, aggravated by the difficult , if not impossible, distancing condition and less isolation of asymptomatic positive In progress, the confirmed positives are 32 of the 50 swabs from which the result was obtained.
The particular fragility and promiscuity of the situation, aggravated by the refusal to leave the structure to go to the Covid-19 hotel due to numerous positives, runs the risk of determining a situation of serious risk to health. and social for the entire local community. I think it is necessary, in confirming the full cooperation of the municipal administration in this regard, an intervention of the National Government and / or in any case of all the authorities in any case and in any case competent, to avoid the serious risk mentioned “.
The desperate call
In recent days, the initial and desperate appeal of the Mission itself: “There are no spaces that can be guaranteed that everyone can be assured with a dedicated room and bathroom for each person. Furthermore, the Mission is absolutely incapable of guaranteeing that the subjects can fulfill the obligations related to isolation and any intensive medical care. The Mission, for its part, makes itself available to attend to the production of food, even several times a day to take it to a suitable place, for the distribution of hygienic products, masks and necessary clothing. We ask for everyone’s collaboration ”.
The political controversy
There is no lack of political controversy, ”dozens of infected among the more than 500 guests, almost all immigrants, in the structures of Biagio Conte’s ‘Mission Hope and Charity’ in Palermo. And there are tensions because many of them still pretend to go out. Solidarity with Sicily, abandoned and threatened by an incapable and dangerous government ”. So says the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini, quoted by the Ansa agency.