This was established by the Veneto Region, which sent a document to all Veneto Local Health Units and to all accredited private health establishments that freezes non-urgent services until the end of the most urgent phase of the epidemic.
VENICE. Veneto enters phase 4 in front of the hospital. And he returns to the situation in March: all the health forces have been summoned to face the most difficult phase of the coronavirus emergency.
The Region has established that all non-urgent surgical activities and all programmable specialized outpatient activities will be suspended in all Local Health Units and in the accredited private sector. The performances of U (within 24 hours) and B (within 10 days) will be guaranteed.
For example, non-urgent interventions related to prosthetics and internal medicine will be postponed. Discovery activity will continue.
The Region’s objective is to make this measure last as briefly as possible, to avoid – at the end of the emergency – having to recover thousands and thousands of services.
In fact, with this decision, Veneto finds itself in the health situation of March, when the Region was forced to block all non-urgent services.
Veneto, with a circular from the Region, ordered since last night in all accredited public and private health structures “the suspension of all scheduled surgical activities that include the use of intensive postoperative care”, with the exception of emergencies-emergencies , such as interventions for accidents, strokes and heart attacks. This – explained the Councilor for Health, Manuela Lanzarote – so as not to occupy, with ‘programmed’ activities, places in intensive care.
Both as first specialist and control visits are guaranteed activity in the maternal and child field, oncology, rare diseases and cannot be postponed due to the clinical picture of the patients.
Based on priorities, needs and reduced production capacity, health authorities can agree on the possibility of providing other types of services with accredited private structures. Finally, companies are advised to implement the provision of telemedicine services, and to extend telephone and online services to the maximum. The deadline of November 10 is set for the application of these provisions.