Fabrizio Pregliasco, a researcher at the University of Milan, spoke on the subject of the variant of the coronavirus discovered in Great Britain
Following the opinions, among others, of Andrea Crisanti me Massimo galli, on the new variant of the coronavirus discovered in the United Kingdom also intervened Fabrizio I pray, researcher at the University of Milan, interviewed by Ansa. According to the expert, this variant “should not escape the protection of vaccination.”
Coronavirus variant: vaccine at risk? Pregliasco is optimistic
Therefore, Fabrizio Pregliasco is optimistic about the efficacy of the vaccine despite the alarm generated by the new variant of the coronavirus recently discovered in Great Brittany. “It should not escape the protection of vaccination. – he explained -, because the antibodies promoted by the vaccine have a target at different points of the protein spike which is on the surface of the virus, so even if a small part of the peak changes, it is still recognized.
In the worst case, however, “it would not be a question of starting from scratch with the experimentation, but of updating the composition of the vaccine, similar to what happens every year with the flu. “
Coronavirus variant, what happens when viruses mutate: Pregliasco’s explanation
Pregliasco added that today we are capable of “supervision systematic viral sequences and we can observe variations that we did not see before ”.
Thanks to this capacity, “we have identified more than 12 thousand very small mutations Sars-CoV-2 e genetics more than 12 major mutations“.
“In Italy – he stressed – we have seen that the tension comes directly from Wuhan and what happened Germany, but probably others as well. “
This is due to the fact that these viruses do not replicate accurately. In the case of the English variant, for example, “the variance corresponds to 23 nucleotides of the genome and this leads the virus to attack the Ace 2 receptors better, with higher affinity ”, said Pregliasco.
The multiple variations that have occurred so far “have not had a significant impact, but the English we know makes the virus of 70% more contagious“Explained the expert.
In general, when viruses mutate by increasing their ability to spread, they cause less severe forms of disease in parallel, but “in this case it does not seem to cause a form of disease different from the other variants, but we still know little about it, so at this stage it is the correct and necessary decision of the stop to flights from Great Britain“, He concluded.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-20-2020 18:31