Aosta, requested a sentence for the primary who operated on a quarantined Covid patient. “But he was the only one who could save her life”
The number of infected people continues to grow in the Alpine region. In the last 24 hours – source: Ministry of Health – 67 new cases of 420 swabs have been registered. The number of people admitted has increased to 17, of which three are in intensive care. The figures have led – according to the weekly monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation – the Aosta Valley to be the region of Italy with the worst behavior of currently positive Covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (205, national average 144) and for the positive report compared to the cases analyzed (16.4%, national average 7%). The percentage increase in total cases was also high (13.2%, national average 10.7%).
Coronavirus, Aosta Valley ordinance: “Stop visits to public and private Rsa”
According to the Isi Foundation -which has prepared a map that shows an estimate of the risk of being potentially exposed to Sars-CoV-2 in the different areas of the country- in an event in which 100 people from Valle d’Aosta participate, the possibility of meet a person with Covid-19. A higher value for Aosta was registered only in the province of Belluno (37%) and in Genoa (33%).