Verona, September 8, 2020 – From 18-year-old student to 54-year-old doctor. All are Veronese i you are volunteers in which it began in Veneto, inVerona Hospital, the experimentation of the Italian anti-Covid vaccine. The first three doses of vaccine Grad-Cov2 had been inoculated into other volunteers last Wednesday a Rome in Spallanzani.
Now the trial is being carried out by the Clinical Research Center of the Borgo Roma Hospital in Verona, as part of the collaboration initiated by the University of Verona with Spallanzani. “Me in six months They will not have highlighted any contraindications and will have produced antibodies against the Coronavirus – Stefano Milleri, director of the Center, commented in the local press. we could say that we are in good way for the vaccine. “
Of the group of 63 candidates identified at the beginning, he explains to Adnkronos Milleri, “which later reached 43 for this first part, almost a third is a doctor, nurse or medical student“These volunteers” are highly motivated people who want to help the investigation – adds the director, who had the opportunity to speak with us -. Whoever has been left out of experimentation, for various reasons, is really left bad because he was willing to make his own contribution. “
The Italian vaccine is manufactured, produced and patented by the Italian biotechnology company ReiThera. On August 24, the experimentation began at the Inmi Spallanzani in Rome “with whom we have daily conversations,” adds Milleri. The Crc is part of the network of institutes that is carrying out phase I of the anti-Covid vaccine trial. In total they are ninety volunteers who will participate in this first phase, divided into two age groups: 45 between 18 and 55 years old, the highest number of people over 65 years old. Each group will be divided into three subgroups of 15 people, each of whom will receive a different dose of the vaccine preparation.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 8
Volunteer: “Worried but confident in science”
On possible reactions to the anti-Covid vaccine candidate “I’m a little worried it is clear “but” I have at the same time a very large trust science, the protocols are very scrupulous. Physically I am fine and healthy. The risks I run are minimal compared to the hope of having a vaccine and protecting everyone. ” These are the words of the architect. Stella bellini, Councilor of Cremona, volunteer in experimentation of the Italian anti-Covid vaccine under study at the Inmi Spallanzani in Rome and at the hospital in Verona. “This decision arose from observing the dramatic months that we live as a country – added Bellini, guest of ‘Agorà’ in RaiTre – and what some areas have gone through, including my city Cremona. I proposed why my community and all citizens no longer have to live in such a dramatic situation.
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