AntiCovid vaccine here we are. After arriving in Italy escorted by the military from Belgium to the Spallanzani institute in Rome, the doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine will be administered in Rome, as in the rest of the country and Europe, in what will symbolically go down in history as V – Day. As well as the images of the van escorted by the military that crossed the border with Italy from the Puurs plants in Belgium to reach the Salvo D’Acquisto barracks of the carabinieri in Tor di Quinto. Then he escorted her to Spalanzani, with the first 9570 doses of the vaccine received by the applause of the doctors.
V-Day, which will depart from the Spallanzani hospital and will have the participation of 955 health workers in Lazio, 280 in the provinces, 560 in Rome, 115 between the Uscar and Ares mobile units. The local health authorities and hospitals will leave within the next two days. In Rome there will be 210 doses of the vaccine against Covid in the three ASL of competition (Rome 1, Rome 2 and Rome 3), another 120 in the three ASL of the province while in the hospitals of the capital there will be a total of 320 vials of vaccines. In Lazio 955 vials will be delivered.
“The first doses of the covid vaccine arrived in Rome, in Spallanzani. It is a message of confidence that radiates in Italy and in Europe. Thanks to Minister Roberto Speranza, the Commissioner of Arcuri, the armed forces and all the operators health care, “writes Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Twitter.
V-Day at Spallanzani Hospital
At 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 27, V-Day will begin symbolically at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome, the first to be vaccinated will be a nurse, the Roman Claudia Alivernini, 28, with a degree in nursing sciences, a symbolic face of healthcare personnel in the first line for months in the battle against coronavirus. Then, another four vaccinated people, a social and health worker, a researcher and two doctors, will administer the first scheduled doses to the operators who will then be the vaccinators themselves.
Vaccine at the San Camillo De Lellis hospital
On December 28, the first vaccines will be administered to health personnel in the northern provinces of Lazio, Rieti and Viterbo. These are the first 5 operators to be administered the vaccine in the province of Rieti at the San Camillo De Lellis hospital: Sara Miele, nurse, Elio Naviganti, nurse, Sara Di Sabantonio, nurse, Donatella Novelli, nurse and Massimiliano Angelucci , doctor.
Vaccine at Belcolle Hospital
These are the first 5 operators to be administered the vaccine in the province of Viterbo, at the Belcolle hospital: Paola Perugi, nurse, Silvia Acquilanti, doctor, Giulio Starmini, doctor, Giuseppe Cimarello, doctor and Elisa Santori, doctor. On Tuesday, December 29, the first vaccines will be administered to health personnel in the southern provinces of Lazio, Frosinone and Latina.
Vaccine at Spaziani Hospital
In the province of Frosinone, at the Spaziani hospital, the five health agents will be: Antonella Campana, resident doctor, Franca Nardone, oss, Paolo Ceccano, nurse, Marina Sebastiani, doctor and Eugenio Giangrande, doctor.
Vaccine at the Santa Maria Goretti hospital
Finally, the first 5 operators to whom the vaccine will be administered in the province of Latina, at the Santa Maria Goretti hospital: Serena Freguglia, nurse, Francesca Maggiarra, nurse, Irene Fanuli, doctor, Tiziana De Filippis, nurse, and Giulia Restuccia , doctor. .
Distribution in Lazio
In Lazio, the available doses will be 955. On December 28, the vaccines will be administered in the ASL of Rieti (40 doses), Asl di Viterbo (40 doses), Asl Roma 1 (80 doses), Asl Roma 2 (80 doses ), Asl Roma 3 (50 doses), Campus Bio-medico (20 doses), Gemelli (50 doses), Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (30 doses), Tor Vergata (30 doses), Umberto I (50 doses) and Sant ‘ Andrea (20 doses) doses). December 29 at Ifo (30 doses), San Camillo (50 doses), San Giovanni (40 doses), Asl di Frosinone (40 doses), Asl di Latina (40 doses), Asl Roma 4 (40 doses), Asl Roma 5 (40 doses), Asl Roma 6 (40 doses) and Ares 118 (15 doses).
Coronavirus vaccine plan
From the Spallanzani Epidemological Institute, part of the vaccines will be transported to Pratica di Mare where 5 aircraft (two C27Js from the Air Force, two Dornier Do.228 from the Army and one P-180 from the Navy) will reach the most distant destinations. The remaining vaccines will reach destinations by land with a total commitment of 60 cars and about 250 soldiers. Subsequent doses of Pfizer, as required by the vaccine plan, will be delivered directly by the pharmaceutical company to the 300 administration sites identified by the commissioner according to the regions.
In the second phase, as soon as the “cold” vaccines from the other pharmaceutical companies (AstraZeneca, Moderna, etc.) are available, the Armed Forces, based on the indications provided by the Extraordinary Commissioner, will dedicate themselves to logistical transport throughout the country. National territory.