TRENTO. Ready and go. Finally, after months of waiting, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 has also started in Trentino. In the presence of authorities, V-Day saw the administration of 100 doses to health professionals, guests and RSA staff. Being interested is all the hospitals of Trentino, from Santa Chiara di Trento to the hospitals of Rovereto, Cles, Borgo Valsugana, Tione, Arco and Cavalese, as well as Rsa.
“We have to vaccinate a large part of the population and start tomorrow (that is, Sunday, December 27, ndA) It’s very important – said the day before president of the province Maurizio Fugatti – This will lead us, according to government plans, to the distribution of 4,500 weekly doses to reach 18,000 vaccines in about a month”.
With each “sting”, the call will continue 21 days later. This will happen, therefore, also for the 30 health workers who, in the “official ceremony” of V-Day Trentino, held at the Santa Chiara hospital, were the protagonists of the first injections of the vaccine against Sars-Cov-2. Divided into the different regions upon arrival in Italy – in recent days, the trucks with the first doses had passed the Brenner pass escorted by the police – and transferred to the Pratica di Mare military airport, the vaccines were distributed throughout the territory , reaching the different capitals.
The cargo bound for Trento landed at the Catullo airport in Verona, where it was absorbed by the Alpine sappers of the Julia Brigade, who transported him to their barracks. The first vials, containing the 100 doses destined for Trentino, were then taken to the Santa Chiara hospital and from there they were classified to the different centers.
“The start of the vaccination campaign is an important day in the fight against the virus that killed 70 thousand people in Italy alone – he exulted on social networks mayor of the capital Franco Ianeselli – The vaccine will take months to deploy its force. Meanwhile, we are called to continue a collective effort to prevent infections: mask, spacing, hand hygiene. But getting vaccinated will be an act of civil liability. Along with many other mayors, I join the campaign ‘Let’s free the cities’ and I will vaccinate with conviction as soon as my turn comes”.
“I will do this remembering that the Being immunized is a responsibility to ourselves and the community. – he concluded – the ability of Trentino and Italy to recover and restart will also depend on the outcome of the vaccination campaign. Remind us that having a vaccine available for free is a privilege in front of millions of people in the world who will not have this possibility for a long time”.
“I have confidence in the experimentation and in the scientists who carried out the research – commented theOss of the operating room of Santa Chiara Roberto Depedri – We hope to get rid of the virus as soon as possible “.”The health worker who decides to get vaccinated does so because his ethical and moral values include caring for others. For us, getting vaccinated is an act of love towards others“Declares instead Claudia Frisanco, health worker loaned to this first day of vaccination along with husband Luca Osti, also a worker in the sector.
The adherence of health professionals, decisive for the fight against the virus, appeared less evident than expected. In fact, the whole country was affected by a certain skepticism also in the medical field, with cases such as theSouth tyrol, where a survey carried out by the health company to its workers revealed 30% suspicious personnel. “We await the scientific evidence,” they said. For its part, I prominent Italian virologists, such as Dr. Massimo Galli from the Sacco hospital in Milan, had expressed all the annoyance of the scientific world towards these skeptics. “Change jobs”He hissed dryly on a La7 follow-up show. About him side effects, the Head of Apss Prevention Antonio Ferro instead, he quickly dismissed the problem, calling them “trivial and controllable.”
“Is a safe vaccine – Hierro reiterated the same to our microphones, in the minutes prior to the administration of the first dose – The data are very solid considering that the cohort in which it was tested has about 44 thousand people, with a proven efficacy of 95%. The side reactions turned out to be very mild. Today is a fundamental day for Italian and global health, because we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.. We have all the scientific elements to say that the decisive battle against the virus has begun ”.
“We must trust science and not popular beliefs. – has declared Ines Antoniani, anesthetist and first vaccinated health nurse in Santa Chiara, addressing skeptical colleagues: it is a responsibility to patients and hoping to get out of it as soon as possible. It has been difficult during this time, but I have found resources that I did not think I had. Now what awaits me is simply a prick in the shoulder”.
After the introductory speech of general manager of the health company Pier Paolo BenetolloAfter a minute of silence for the victims, the floor was passed to the president of the province, Maurizio Fugatti, who thanked the health workers and was happy for the beginning of a still long process. “Today we have achieved a goal but the end is still far away. We still have difficult weeks and months ahead of us, and you will be at the forefront. From here, from the hospitable world, it is good to start giving a message of hope.”.