Rome, September 30, 2020 – New hopes for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 come from two “super potent neutralizing human antibodies“, isolated and characterized in an international study published in ‘Science’.
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In the work, led by the University of Washington, they also participated Massimo galli, Agostino Riva me Arianna gabrieli from the Sacco hospital in Milan. “Science Magazine has published the identification of two Sars-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies that are very promising for future developments in the treatment of Covid-19,” Galli, Principal Infectious Disease Specialist at Sacco and State University professor, writes on Twitter. from Milan. “A result to which we have contributed much more here at Sacco, Agostino Riva and Arianna Gabrieli than I have,” emphasizes the specialist.
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The two antibodies, called S2E12 me S2M11, were able to protect the hamsters of the new Coronavirus. Cryoelectron microscopy analyzes show that S2E12 and S2M11 block attack on the Ace2 receptor (the gateway to Sars-Cov-2 in cells) and that S2M11 also targets the protein Spike, the hook that the virus uses in its offensive. to the organism. Therapeutic mixtures, including S2M11, S2E12, or the previously identified S309 antibody, neutralize a large sample of circulating Sars-Cov-2 isolates, the authors explain. “Our results – they comment – pave the way for the implementation of antibody cocktails for prophylaxis or therapy” of Covid-19, “avoiding or limiting the appearance of mutant viral forms.”
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