Antibodies. For months, scientists have been pointing the way to therapy, waiting for a vaccine, to stop Sars Cov 2. And laboratory studies are beginning to bring the first promising results. Two superantibodies have been discovered that block the entry of coronavirus into cells: they act with slightly different mechanisms and when administered in small doses, individually or together., manages to prevent infection in mice.
The result, which paves the way for new therapies based on antibody cocktails (also useful against mutant viruses), is published in Science by an international group led by the University of Washington, in which he also participated Massimo Galli, Agostino Riva and Arianna Gabrieli from the Sacco Hospital in Milan. According to virologist Galli, the two new neutralizing antibodies, called S2E12 and S2M11, are “very promising for future developments in the treatment of Covid 19”.
The researchers identified them browsing almost 800 antibodies isolated from 12 patients recovered from infection. Its mechanism of action has been studied at the molecular level thanks to super cryoelectron microscope (a technology awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017). In this way, it was found that both S2E12 and S2M11 prevent the virus from adhering to the Ace-2 receiver host cell and do so with different and competitive mechanisms of action. The S2M11 antibody, in particular, also manages to block the Spike protein that the virus uses as a key to enter the cell, effectively preventing infection.
In addition to neutralizing the virus, the antibodies also appear to promote the reaction of specific immune cells that fight infection, helping them to eliminate the enemy. “We believe that the exploitation of multiple, different and complementary mechanisms of action allows for further benefits in clinical applications,” write the study authors. “Our results pave the way for refinement of the antibody cocktail for prophylaxis or therapy that could have the advantage of avoiding or limiting the appearance of mutant viruses capable of escaping the host’s defenses ”.
The study in science
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