
There are 47 new cases in Sardinia.
There are 2,662 cases of positivity to the coronavirus in general verified in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency. In the last update of the Regional Crisis Unit yes register 47 new cases, 36 due to screening and 11 due to suspected diagnosis. Are registered two new victims138 in total. The deaths occurred yesterday. Is a 55 years of Tempio Pausania and a 79-year-old from Nuoro who died in Sassari hospital.
In total, 150,678 swabs were performed, an increase of 1,308 tests compared to the last update. I am instead 51 hospitalized patients (+3 compared to yesterday’s figure), while 12 (+2) patients are currently in intensive care. There are 1,170 people in home isolation. The progressive number of positive cases includes 1,285 (+5) recovered patients, plus another 6 clinically recovered.
In the territory, of the 2,662 positive cases verified in total, 454 (+7) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 261 (+3) in southern Sardinia, 120 in Oristano, 215 (+10) in Nuoro, 1,612 (+27) in Sassari.
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