Coronavirus, towards new restrictions for mass events – Chronicle


Rome, October 8, 2020 – It is necessary to plan limitations for massive events. According to what has been learned, this would be one of the first indications to the government by experts and scientists of the Scientific technical committee, after the increase in Covid infections. Open-air shows, sporting events, fairs and appointments, involving the participation of thousands of people – on Saturday, for example, a demonstration of deniers is scheduled in Rome and on Sunday the March for Peace is scheduled where 25 thousand are expected people – therefore they should be limited. “There’s a major concern – is underlined – all events that involve adding people must be remodeled “.

Also during the day, to face the increase in cases, the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Gypsies, signed an ordinance that establishes additional containment measures of infections in the province of Latin. The measures will go into effect at midnight today, with their publication in the Burl, and are scheduled to last two weeks. Only 20 people for private parties, share with 4 people per table, and the early closure at midnight for bars, pubs and restaurants, are just some of the new measures provided by the ordinance.

Mandatory mask. Outdoors, in the car or in the office: rules and exceptions

“Mini encierro” a Latina

” Taking into account the increase in cases registered since October 4 equal to 155% and in relation to the notes of the Latin ASL of October 7 – read a note from the Covid-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region – today the President’s ordinance was signed that for two consecutive weeks, as of the date of publication, orders the following additional measures relative to the territory of the Province of Latina: 1) Quota with a maximum number of 20 people, after registering and adopting general preventive measures, participate in private parties, including after religious ceremonies; for the latter, the measures still in force will continue to be complied with ”. And it continues with: “2) Maximum quota 4 people per table, with respect to social distancing, in restaurants and in food and beverage supply areas; 3) Early closure of pubs, bars and restaurants at 24 hours; 4) Obligation to display, at the entrance of commercial establishments and offices open to the public, a sign that shows the maximum number of people admitted at the same time, in relation to the size of the premises and in compliance with social distancing ”. Then again: “5) Ban on gathering in the areas in front of the access of schools, banks, post offices and other public offices as well as in public places (squares, parks, beaches, etc …); 6) Prohibition of access to health facilities. health and social assistance for visits to family members or friends hospitalized or with regulated access, in exceptional cases and as a result of the written authorization of the head of health of the hospitalization facility ”. And he concludes: “7) Quota of the number of people who can attend at the same time gyms, dance schools and other sports activities carried out in closed places with a sign indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time in relation to the different areas of activity of the structure, including changing rooms, in compliance with social distancing, ensuring surveillance by the operator; 8) Promote agile work, whenever possible, in companies with offices in the province of Latina. ”
