Coronavirus: towards curfew, restaurants and bars closed at 11pm. The new Dpcm is coming


Infections are increasing throughout Italy. In Rimini 31 cases in 48 hours, 3 patients in intensive care


| 07:43 – 4 October 2020

Customers in a restaurant in the historic center of Rimini
Customers in a restaurant in the historic center of Rimini.

Curfew at 11 p.m., with the closure of bars, restaurants and discos to limit nightlife, but also the obligation to wear a mask outdoors and more controls and patrols, with the intervention of the army, to guarantee compliance of the basic rule to counter. the new coronavirus: without gatherings and social distancing. The Conte government is working on the next Dpcm, which will be launched next Wednesday (October 7) and which could also include new limitations, regarding the quota of presences in sports facilities, theaters and cinemas. There is also the possibility of establishing mini-closures in the most affected areas to curb the increase in outbreaks. Everything that follows the wave is said at the national level (we went back to the April figures, although at that time the tracking system was incomparable to the current one, in terms of effectiveness, so it is very likely that the April data was underestimated): 2,844 new cases, with Campania at +401, Lombardy at +393 and Piedmont at +279. In our region there were 167 more cases. The figure for intensive care in Italy is in line with the average for our region (which is even lower at the moment): 0.5% (there are 297 in total in Italy). 94% of current positives are in home isolation. However, the situation is worrying due to the increases, of which the province of Rimini is not exempt: +31 in the last 48 hours, although 29 infected are in home isolation, two are patients hospitalized for other pathologies and positive smears. In the Rimini area there are 14 hospitalized in the Covid wards, 3 in intensive care.
