Even today in the Civil Protection bulletin there is a much higher number of cured, 30,099, compared to the new registered cases, 16,999. Therefore, the currently positive coronaviruses in the country, which today are 696,527, continue to decrease, also due to the high number of deaths, today 887. The pressure in the country’s hospitals continues to drop, thanks to the drop of 594 hospitalized compared to yesterday’s bulletin and 29 patients in intensive care. In Italy, the epidemic confirms the slowdown, as evidenced by the reduction in new cases compared to a week ago, when there were 23,225.
About intensive therapy, Veneto records a increase of 11 patients in their intensive care units, due to the admission of 42 people to the intensive care units. It involves 55 patients in hospitals in the region. Much less, however, the increase in intensive care in Campania, Sardinia and Basilicata, which registered an increase of two hospitalized. On the other hand, the increase in intensive care in the province of Bolzano, Puglia, Abruzzo and Marche is 1. All regions confirmed the negative trend, with Lombardy leading the way, where even today a decrease of 18 admitted patients is reported in its intensive care units, despite the fact that 62 new people who need more attention have been admitted. The decrease in seriously ill patients in Piedmont is 8 and 6 in Tuscany. Emilia Romagna registers a decrease of 4 patients with coronavirus in intensive care, while in Lazio, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta the decrease is 3 patients. The pressure on intensive care in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria, Sicily, Calabria and Molise is reduced by one patient.
Veneto is today the region with the highest increase in hospitalized, sad record achieved by a wide margin compared to the region with the second highest number of hospitalizations, which today is Valle d’Aosta, with a positive balance of 8 patients. Very marked decrease in the balance of hospitalized in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, which today marks a decrease of 158 patients. The decline also continues in Lombardy, where today there are 114 fewer hospitalized patients. Respectively 73 and 63 is the decrease in patients in the Covid wards in Lazio and Campania. Hospitalized patients are also decreasing in other regions of the country.
Lombardy continues to lead the sad ranking of daily deaths, with 172 new victims compared to yesterday’s newsletter. There are 148 deaths in Veneto, which represents the highest daily number since the beginning of the pandemic. Even Tuscany, today, has recorded the highest number of deaths from March to today, with 75 deaths compared to yesterday. All regions are also reporting at least one coronavirus-related death today.