Coronavirus, today’s Italy newsletter on Covid. Figures and table of infections


Rome, October 26, 2020 – The contagion goes from Coronavirus in Italy, although less than in other European countries such as France. Today the new bulletin of the Ministry of Health with updates and figures on the total cases, currently positive, deaths, recovered, hospitalizations and intensive care. The good news comes from the research front at vaccine with the Financial Times revealing: the Oxford Times stimulates the immune response in the elderly. Meanwhile, the debate continues Dpcm. According to the adviser to the Minister of Health, Walter Ricciardi the measures are not enough: “We need specific closures.” But the immunologist Antonella Viola criticizes the closure policy and maintains that first of all you have to “understand where the contagion occurs.” And the president of the republic Sergio Mattarella warns: “The other diseases are not locked in, too many postponed treatments.”

Renzi: we will ask Conte to modify the Dpcm

The October 26 newsletter

Updated data and PDF table will be published here as soon as available

Local News / Tuscany

I am today 2,171 new positives to the Coronavirus to Tuscany (1,776 identified in the course of screening and 395 in detection activities) out of a total of 33,461 cases registered since the beginning of the epidemic. The average age of 2,171 cases today is approximately 43 years. Those cured grew by 0.8% and reached 12,810 (38.3% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 1,013,957, 13,122 more than yesterday. 8,672 subjects were tested (excluding control swabs), of which 25% were positive. To these are added the 1,596 rapid antigenic swabs that are currently being made. Today’s positives are 19,376, + 11.9% compared to yesterday. There are 13 dead.

Emilia romagna

Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia romagna 47,877 positive cases were registered, 1,146 more compared to yesterday, of a total of 12,083 swabs made in the last 24 hours, thus reaching an altitude of 1,488,534. The average age of new positives today is 43.2 years. The province with the most infections is Bologna (267), followed by Reggio Emilia and Modena (both with 151 new cases), Piacenza (121), Parma (105), Rimini (106) and Ravenna (87). Then the province of Ferrara (58), then Forlì (43), Cesena (38) and the district of Imola (19). THE active casesIn other words, the number of real patients to date is 15,769 (944 more than those registered yesterday). Unfortunately, they are logged 3 new kills: 1 in the province of Parma (a 95-year-old woman), 2 in the province of Modena (two men, 78 and 84 years old). Since the beginning of the pandemic, in Emilia-Romagna deaths have been a total of 4,564. Patients admitted to intensive care there are 93 (+5 compared to yesterday), those of other departments of Covid816 (+59). People as a whole heal They amount to 27,544 (+199 compared to yesterday).


In Veneto in the last 24 hours they have been there 1,129 new positives, the current hospitalized in hospital wards are 695 while 81 patients have been hospitalized in intensive care; 3 new kills.


Today in Apulia 3,057 tests for Covid-19 infection have been recorded and recorded 424 positive cases: 198 in the province of Bari, 30 in the province of Brindisi, 42 in the province of BAT, 109 in the province of Foggia, 28 in the province of Lecce, 16 in the province of Taranto, 2 residents outside the region. 1 case of province of unknown residence has been attributed and reclassified. Have been registered 10 deaths: 9 in the province of Bari and 1 in the province of BAT.


The Health Service of Marche region announced that 1,061 swabs had been tested in the past 24 hours: 1,026 on the new diagnostic pathway and 35 on the cured pathway. THE positive am 238 new diagnoses on the way: 25 in the province of Macerata, 150 in the province of Ancona, 19 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 15 in the province of Fermo, 18 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 11 outside the region. These cases include 29 symptomatic subjects.

The other Regions

In Calabria 258,151 subjects were analyzed for a total of 260,121 swabs performed (further tests can be performed on the same subject). The people who tested positive for coronavirus are 3,970 (+180 compared to yesterday), the negative 254,181. In Friuli Venezia Giuliainstead, today they have been detected 334 new infections (3087 swabs were made) and 3 deaths from Covid-19.
