CORONAVIRUS – Today’s infections, 68 new positives and 4 deaths: the official bulletin for December 16, 2020 at 6 pm


CORONAVIRUS, Molise, deaths, infections, official gazette

ASREM – The official bulletin of December 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Unfortunately, in the figures provided by the health company there are still four deceased. It is about a 67-year-old man from Pescolanciano me an 85-year-old woman from Sant’Angelo Limosano, both died of infectious diseases. While an 80-year-old woman from Fornelli me a 90 year old woman from Vinchiaturo’s retirement home died weeks ago but Asrem reported in the newsletter only tonight.

So they rise to 172 the patients passed away with Coronavirus98 in the province of Campobasso, 65 in the province of Isernia and 9 in another region.

While the new positive cases registered in the last 24 hours in Molise I am 68, but let’s look at the situation in detail. In total, there are 14 cases in Termoli, 7 in Petacciato, 7 in San Giuliano di Puglia, 6 in Campobasso, 3 in Campomarino, 3 in Isernia, 3 in San Martino in Pensilis, 3 in Santa Croce di Magliano, 2 in Castellino del Biferno, 2 in Fossalto, 2 in Mafalda, 2 in Sessano del Molise, 2 in Venafro, 1 in Belmonte del Sannio, 1 in Bojano, 1 in Colletorto, 1 in Gildone, 1 in Matrice, 1 in Montagano, 1 in Oratino, 1 in Pesche, 1 in Portocannone, 1 in Pozzilli, 1 in Tavenna, 1 in Trivento.

me positive then there are 2780 in Molise1,737 in the province of Campobasso, 1,028 in the province of Isernia and 15 outside the region.

I am 5,850 me positive swabs, of which 3,707 in the province of Campobasso, 2,091 in the province of Isernia and 52 people from outside the region. 842 swabs processed in the last 24 hours, while 98,138 swabs processed so far, 83,895 of which were negative.

I am due the patients hospitalized in Infectious diseases, respectively from Larino and Termoli. There are no discharges, therefore, in the “Cardarelli”From Campobasso they are already there 68 hospitalized patients: 10 in Intensive care me 58 in Infectious diseases.

Today they register only 16 healed:. Therefore, the patients officially declared healed I am 2,898 of which 1,872 from the province of Campobasso, 998 from the province of Isernia and 28 from outside the region.

Finally, the home visits made by the USCA are 737 in Bojano, 565 in Larino and 690 in Venafro for a total of 1,992 to visit.

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