Coronavirus today, the newsletter for September 26. Marche, infections run in the Piceno


Coronavirus, newsletter of September 26.  Trademark data
Coronavirus, newsletter of September 26. Trademark data

Ancona, September 26, 2020 – Decreased compared to yesterday i contagion gives Coronavirus in Market.

In the last 24 hours they have been tested 1578 swabs: 933 new diagnoses on the road and 645 recovered on the road. the today’s newsletter of the Gores notes 26 positives new diagnostics on the way, yesterday was 33: 16 in the province of Ascoli piceno, 5 in the province of Ancona, 3 in the province of Pesaro urbino and 2 in the province of Macerata.

These cases include 3 close contacts of positive cases, 7 cases at home, 13 symptomatic subjects, 1 case detected by screening in the workplace, and 2 cases in the verification phase.

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