Coronavirus today September 27, newsletter. Emilia Romagna, 96 infections and one death


Bologna, September 27, 2020 – Still below fee 100 the new ones almost in Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna: out of nearly 9,300 swabs today, 96 were detected, down from yesterday when they were 99. Unfortunately, it records a new death: a 93-year-old man in Parma. The average age of new cases is 38 years. These are the main data of the today’s newsletter on the diffusion of pandemic, disseminated by the Region.

Since the beginning of the outbreak COVID-19, in Emilia Romagna 35,028 cases of positivity were registered, 96 more than yesterday, of which 54 asymptomatic identified as part of contact tracing and regional targeting activities.

Of the total new cases, 48 ​​were already isolated at the time of swab execution, 52 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.

am 10 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from countries outside the Schengen area and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia, Malta and regions of France. The number of return cases from other regions is 3.

Of the 54 asymptomatic, 31 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 19 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 3 with pre-hospital screening, and one was identified through serological tests.

The contagion map

These are the cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,030 a Piacenza (+14, of which 5 symptomatic), 4,273 years Parma (+11, of which 6 symptomatic), 5,774 to Reggio emilia (+17, of which 13 symptomatic), 4,882 in Modena (+8, of which 4 symptomatic), 6,237a Bologna (+13, of which 3 symptomatic), 582 to Imola (+6, 1 symptomatic), 1,442 years Ferrara (+4, none symptomatic), 1,779 to Ravenna (+4, of which 3 symptomatic), 1,342 years Forlì (+12, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,113 to Cesena (+1 symptomatic), 2,574 a Rimini (+6, of which 4 symptomatic).

The outbreaks: here are the provinces with the most cases

The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Reggio Emilia (17), Piacenza (14), Bologna (13), Parma (11) and Forlì (12).

In the province of Reggio Emilia, Of the 17 new cases, 10 refer to known family outbreaks, one case linked to an outbreak linked to a group of friends and another to follow-up after an outbreak in the workplace, while 5 are sporadic cases.

In the province of Piacenza, of 14 new positives, 9 were identified as contacts of already known cases (of which 2 attributable to the school environment), 3 after swabs carried out due to the presence of symptoms and 2 were cases of return from abroad (Romania and Egypt).

In the province of Bologna, of 13 new positives, 10 are attributable to known outbreaks, 3 are sporadic cases). 3 the symptomatic. As for the 10 asymptomatic, 4 were identified after contact tracing activities, 5 after tests by professional category, another by tests carried out in the prehospital setting. Of all the cases, one is a return from abroad (Great Britain), another from another Italian region.

In the province of Parma Of the 11 new cases, 4 were identified through contact tracing, 3 through pre-hospitalization tests (all symptomatic, 2 through known outbreaks), one through inpatient screening, one is a symptomatic patient, one returns from hospital foreigner (Senegal) and one is a worker identified after an examination in a nursing home for the elderly.

A ForlìOut of 12 positives (10 attributable to known outbreaks, 2 sporadic cases instead), only 2 showed symptoms. As for the 10 asymptomatic, 8 were identified after contact tracing activities and 2 through professional category tests. Of the total number of cases, 2 returned from abroad (Tunisia and Morocco).

Swabs and serological tests

me tampons 9,295 were carried out, for a total of 1,150,825. To these are added 2,058 serological tests.

Active cases and ICU patients are declining

me active cases, that is, the number of real patients, to date they are 4,682 (-35 compared to yesterday).

People in insulate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, total 4,466 (-34 compared to yesterday), 95% of active cases.

The number of patients in intensive care, which in total are 15. 201 (+1) are hospitalized in other Covid departments.

People as a whole heal reached 25,864 (+130 compared to yesterday): 8 “clinically cured” (stable compared to yesterday), that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,856 those declared completely cured due to being negative in two tests consecutive.

Study to produce hyperimmune plasma

At the beginning in Emilia romagna a new study desired by the Region to assess the feasibility of a plasma production, the fluid component of the blood, from patients and donors who have contracted Sars-CoV-2 infection and then develop antibodies.

Passive immunotherapy performed with the use of plasma from cured patients – defined iperimmune plasma – could, the Region explains, “represent an approach to be taken into account in the treatment of SarsCoV-2 infections, based on the experiences acquired in other countries, including China and the United States.”


Covid in Italy, data and table with numbers for all regions

From the newsletter Ministry of Health It appears that in Italy they have registered 1,766 new cases in the last 24 hours, compared to 1,869 yesterday, but with almost 20 thousand fewer tampons (84,714 today). The victims are 17 as the day before, for a total of 35,835. The total number of infected people, including victims and cured, amounts to 309,870. Only Valle d’Aosta has zero new cases.

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