Coronavirus today September 11, newsletter. Emilia Romagna, infections on the rise


Bologna, September 11, 2020 – contagion growing in Emilia romagna. the today’s newsletter on the diffusion of Coronavirus detects 152 new positives (yesterday it was 110), of which 80 asymptomatic, in more than 10 thousand swabs. No deaths.

Since the beginning of the outbreak COVID-19, in our region have been registered 33,225 cases of positivity152 more than yesterday, 88 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 62 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.

Among the new cases, 80 asymptomatic patients identified as part of contact tracing and regional screening activities, 32 were identified through examinations and tests introduced by the Region, 6 through pre-hospital tests, 41 thanks to contact tracing while in 1 case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

There are 31 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if it arrives from countries that do not belong to the Schengen area and one swab if it returns from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of return cases from other regions is 18.

The average age of new positives today is 42 years.

The contagion map

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,877 a Piacenza (+3, no symptoms), 4,073 to Parma (+13, of which 6 symptomatic), 5,544 to Reggio emilia (+24, of which 15 symptomatic), 4,625 to Modena (+25, of which 10 symptomatic), 5,901 to Bologna (+22, of which 10 symptomatic), 528 to Imola (+1 symptomatic), 1,307 a Ferrara (+8, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,594 years Ravenna (+15, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,254 years Forlì (+20, of which 9 symptomatic), 1,037 years Cesena (+9, of which 2 symptomatic) and 2,485 in Rimini (+12, of which 8 symptomatic).

The provinces with the most cases and outbreaks

Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (25), Reggio emilia (24), Bologna (22), Ravenna (fifteen) Parma (13), Rimini (12) e Forlì (twenty).

In the province of Modena, of 25 new positives, 6 returned from abroad (4 from Morocco, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from Spain), 7 from other regions (2 from Puglia, 2 from Sardinia, 1 from Trentino, 1 from Lazio and 1 from Campania), 10 they were identified as contacts of known cases (of which 5 are attributable to family outbreaks) and 2 are cases classified as sporadic.

In the province of Reggio Emilia, of 24 new positives, 5 returned from abroad (4 from India and 1 from Egypt), 3 from other regions (1 from Campania, 1 from Lombardy and 1 from Trentino), 7 cases are attributable to known family outbreaks and 9 sporadic cases .

A Bologna and province there are 22 new positives, of which 6 returned from abroad (3 from Albania, 1 from Great Britain, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 3 from other regions (2 from Sardinia and 1 from Sicily), 8 attributable cases known outbreaks (numerous relatives), 5 sporadic cases.

A Forlì, of 20 new positives, 2 returned from Albania, 10 cases are attributable to known outbreaks (family and work environment) and 8 due to active case tracking.

In the province of Ravenna, of 15 new cases, 6 have returned from abroad (5 from Albania and 1 from Senegal), 6 are contacts of already known cases and 3 are cases that arose after the control in the presence of symptoms.

In the province of Parma, of 13 new positives, 8 arose from pre-admission controls, 1 case arose after a swab performed in the presence of symptoms, 1 case from contact tracing, 2 from screening activities, and 1 from CRA patient controls after readmission. .

A Rimini and province of 12 new positive cases, 1 returned from abroad (Senegal), 3 were diagnosed by screening (of which 3 were pre-hospital and 1 voluntary) and 8 classified as sporadic.

Swabs and serological tests

me tampons made yesterday are 10,033, for a total of 1,009,907. Added to these are 1,589 serological tests.

Sick, hospitalized, cured

Active casesThat is, the number of real patients to date is 3,730 (119 more than those registered yesterday).

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 3,572 (121 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases.

Patients in intensive care there are 18 (+1), while 140 are hospitalized in the other Covid departments (3 less than yesterday).

People as a whole heal There are 25,027 (+33 compared to yesterday): 12 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,015 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The pandemic in Italy, data and table

Today in Italy instead they were detected 1616 almost in Coronavirus, in the face of 1,597 yesterday and of the 1,430 on Wednesday, and 10 people who died with positive Covid-19, like yesterday. The total number of infected people, including victims and cured, is 284,796, 35,597 instead of victims since the beginning of the crisis. Those healed and discharged are a total of 212,432, 547 more than yesterday. No region has zero new cases while the largest increases are recorded in Lombardy (+257), Veneto (+173), Emilia Romagna (+152). More than a hundred new cases also Lazio, Tuscany and Sicily.

Meanwhile the quarantine light is being studied. The hypothesis of a reduction in isolation from 14 to 10 days will be evaluated by Scientific Technical Committee at the meeting next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, today is the news that a 19 year old girl was blocked and informed in the Medicine test in English, in Bologna: despite two positive swabs and the quarantine regimen waiting to know the result of the third
test, which was also positive then, still tried to go to the test.

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