Coronavirus today September 10, the newsletter covid. Stable infections in Emilia Romagna


Bologna, September 10, 2020 – I am 110, exactly like yesterday, the new cases of coronavirus registered in the last hours in Emilia Romagna: 65 of them are asymptomatic. And there is also a victim: an 89-year-old man who lived in the province of Reggio Emilia. Here are the data from today’s coronavirus bulletin that, nationwide, records an increase in contagion: 1,597 almost and ten victims.

Thirty-three The new cases are linked to the return of people who come from non-Schengen countries or countries considered at risk, for which there is an obligation to undergo a swab. Eight have just returned from other regions Italian. In front of the hospital, I hospitalizations in intensive care and also in covid rooms (+3). Persons currently ill in the region there are 3,611 (there are 35,700 in Italy). And the average age rises again: 42 years. HE tampons Made yesterday are 9,161, for a total of 999,874. To these are added 3,017 tests serological.

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Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (23), Bologna (21), Reggio Emilia (20) and Parma (14).

The map by province

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,874 a Piacenza (+5, no symptoms), 4,060 to Parma (+14, of which 3 symptomatic), 5,520 to Reggio emilia (+20, of which 5 symptomatic), 4,600 to Modena (+23, of which 9 symptomatic), 5,879 to Bologna (+21, of which 18 symptomatic), 527 to Imola (+1, no symptoms), 1,299 a Ferrara (+8, of which 3 symptomatic), 1,579 years Ravenna (+9, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,234 years Forlì (+4, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,028 years Cesena (+2, both symptomatic) and 2.473 to Rimini (+3, of which 1 symptomatic).

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Modena the most affected

In the province of Modena, of 23 new positives, 12 returned from abroad (4 from Moldova, 3 from Romania, 2 from Morocco, 1 from Albania, 1 from Ukraine, 1 from Croatia), 3 returned from other regions (2 from Puglia and 1 from Campania) , 8 identified as contacts of already known cases and attributable to different family outbreaks.

Covid to Bologna

A Bologna and province there are 21 new positives: 7 return from abroad (6 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 3 return from other Regions (2 from Trentino-Alto Adige and 1 from Abruzzo), 1 for follow-up in a known case in the place of work, 4 cases are attributable to family outbreaks, 6 classified as sporadic.

Covid in Reggio Emilia

In the province of Reggio emilia, of 20 new positives, 9 are cases of return from abroad (1 from Morocco, 1 from India, 1 from Tunisia, 4 from Ukraine and 2 from Romania), 1 who returns from another region (Veneto), 8 are contacts from already known cases within family outbreaks, 2 classified as sporadic. Here is the only victim today.

Covid Parma

A Parma and province of 14 new positives, 6 were identified thanks to contact tracing in known cases, 3 returned from abroad (from Spain, Portugal and Albania), 3 were diagnosed by pre-hospital screening, 1 ha The swab was performed because symptomatic and 1 was detected during the controls of the CRA patient at the time of his readmission.

Hospitalizations and cures

me active cases, that’s the number of real patients, to date they are 3,611 (57 more than those registered yesterday). People in isolate the house there are a total of 3,451 (53 more than yesterday). Patients in intensive care is 17 (+1), while and hospitalized in other rooms of Covid 143 (3 more than yesterday). People as a whole heal am 24,994 (+52 compared to yesterday)

In the nearby Marches, then, today there was a real one boom in infections. All this, with the beginning of schools almost upon us: in the province of Modena there is already a positive kindergarten teacher and a whole class in isolation. What is worrisome are the return infections, especially from other regions where people have mostly been on vacation, but also the return of the virus in sheltered homes. In Ravenna, for example, there are seven positive aspects of the nursery for the elderly.

Rinfections: 1,597 new positives and 10 deaths. The number of people admitted to intensive care has increased to 164 (+14) and the admissions to mne repaerti covid are now 1,836 (+58). The region with the most new cases is Lombardy (245), followed by Campania (180) and Lazio (163). Compared to yesterday, another 613 cured are reported. the currently positive are 35,708, including 974 registered in the last 24 hours. Since yesterday 94,186 tampons have been manufactured in Italy. The number of people in home isolation is also increasing: yesterday there were 32,806, today there are 33,708, with an increase of 902.

The weekly budget

New cases in Italy are growing in the week between September 2 and 8, and Hospitalized patients with symptoms are also increasing., those in intensive care and deceased. The Gimbe Foundation weekly newsletter records it. Compared to the previous one, in the week considered there was an increase in new cases (9,964 vs 9,015) and currently positive cases (33,789 vs. 26,754). Hospitalized patients with symptoms also increased (1,760 versus 1,380), intensive care patients (143 versus 107), and deaths (72 versus 46).

“In the last week – says Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Foundation – new cases have been growing and, above all, currently positive people, both for the increase in proven cases, both due to the constant increase in the ratio of positive / proven cases. The upward trend of hospitalizations with symptoms and ICU patients. All these are indications that, looking at what happens beyond the Alps, it is necessary that the attention is kept very high ”.

The new cases, the report notes, are predominantly indigenous, in part due to the return of vacationers and, to a much lesser extent, due to foreign imports. In fact, from 1,408 new cases notified in the week of July 15 to 21, we went to 9,964 new cases from September 2 to 8, with an increase in the positive / proven case ratio from 0.8% to 2.4% . This dynamic determines the progressive increase in currently positive cases that in just over a month they went from 12,482 to 33,789.

The incidence in Italy

The data (as of September 1) show that the percentage of currently positive cases (26,754) in the national population is equal to 0.04% (doubled with respect to the data of July 23). The percentage of cases (270,189) in the Italian population is increasing significantly, going from 0.41% to 0.45%. The regions with the highest weekly incidence are the Sardinia (23 cases per 100,000 inhabitants respectively), Campania and Emilia-
Romagna21 cases per 100,000 inhabitants respectively) and Lombardy (4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants respectively). The national trend in the buffer rate performed (per 1000 inhabitants) has been increasing since July, and is equal to 9.94 tampons per 1000 inhabitants (in the week of 7/23 the rate was 4.98).

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