Coronavirus today, October 11 newsletter. New record of positives in the Marks


Coronavirus, today's newsletter, October 11 (photo Ansa)
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, October 11 (photo Ansa)

Ancona, October 11, 2020 – Passed 100 in covid infections Market, according to today’s newsletter, October 11. The Health Service of the Marche Region has communicated that in the last 24 hours they have been tested 2385 swabs: 1438 on the new diagnostic path (where yesterday there were 1,311) and 947 on the cured trail.

The positives are 108 on the new diagnostic route: 33 in the province of Ascoli piceno, 31 in the province of Ancona, 28 in the province of Macerata, 7 in the province of Pesaro urbino, 5 in the province of Stop and 4 from outside the region. These cases include symptomatic subjects (26 cases detected), contacts in the home environment (41 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (12 cases detected), 1 case detected by the screening carried out in the health sector, contacts in the workplace (4 cases detected)), contacts in the living / entertainment environment (11 cases detected), contacts in the healthcare environment (3 cases detected), contacts in the school / training environment (5 cases). Epidemiological investigations are being carried out in 5 cases.

Yesterday in Market they had been 86 new cases of covid positivity. After the data of the 49 positives Fridays. Yesterday they were tested 2398 swabs: 1311 on the way new diagnoses and 1087 on the way cured.

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