Coronavirus today, newsletter September 21. Emilia Romagna, 116 new cases – Chronicle


Bologna, September 21, 2020 – I am 116 new cases of coronavirus in the new newsletterEmilia romagna. Stable data compared to yesterday, where there has been a decrease in positives (also related to a drop of tampons), 115. Even today, however, it is necessary to note a decrease in swabs, 5,024 (for a total of 1,090,435) and more than 2,329 serological tests. Average age of the new positives are 36 years old. Active cases are 4,618 (+89), 95% with mild symptoms in home isolation. In addition, of the 116 new positives, 60 are asymptomatic and are detected through regional detection and contact tracing activities. At the time of swabbing, 68 were already isolated and 65 were identified from known shoots. People healed number 25,361 (+26). Sadly, another death is recorded: a 96-year-old man from the province of Parma. Since the beginning of the epidemic, in Emilia-Romagna, 34,456 positive cases have been registered

There are 18 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if you arrive from non-Schengen countries and a swab if you return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of cases of return from other regions is 4. Of 60 new asymptomatic patients, 41 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 14 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, two through prehospital tests, two thanks to serological screening, while in one case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

Active and cured cases

me active casesThat is, the number of real patients to date is 4,618 (89 more than those registered yesterday). the people in isolation at home, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 4,428 (87 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. There are 23 patients in intensive care (+4 compared to yesterday), while those hospitalized in the other rooms of the Covid 167 (-2).

People generally healed reached 25,361 (+26 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,354 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (2. 3), Bologna (twenty), Ravenna (17), Reggio emilia (12) ea Forlì (eleven).

The cases in Modena

In the province of Modena, of 23 new positives, 5 were identified upon return from abroad (3 from Morocco, 1 from Turkey, 1 from Ukraine), 15 new infections were identified as contacts of already known cases, 3 were finally classified as sporadic.

The situation in Bologna

A Bologna and the province there are 20 new positive cases: 12 swabs for the presence of symptoms, all in the context of already known outbreaks, 7 were identified thanks to contact tracing activity and 1 case was diagnosed thanks to admission to hospital facilities.

The positives of Ravenna

In the province of Ravenna of 17 new cases, 10 cases were identified as contacts of already known cases in the family, 6 swabs due to the presence of symptoms, 1 was finally linked to a return from abroad (Moldova).

Reggio Emilia: infections

A Reggio emilia In the province there are 12 new cases: 5 were identified as contacts of already known cases in the family, 1 was diagnosed upon returning from abroad (Holland), 1 case is attributable to a school and 5 were classified as sporadic.

The cases of Forlì

A Forlì of the 11 new cases, 3 were identified upon return from abroad (Tunisia, Ukraine and Moldova) and 8 are contacts of already known cases, of which 6 in the workplace.

The contagion map

These are the cases of positivity in the area, which do not refer to the province of residence, but to the province in which the diagnosis was made: 4,967 in Piacenza (+8, of which 2 symptomatic), 4,193 in Parma (+ 8, of which 7 symptomatic), 5,704 in Reggio Emilia (+12, of which 10 symptomatic), 4,824 in Modena (+23, of which 6 symptomatic), 6,115 in Bologna (+20, of which 12 symptomatic ), 553 in Imola (+1, asymptomatic), 1,395 in Ferrara (+7, of which 3 symptomatic), 1,746 in Ravenna (+17, of which 6 symptomatic), 1,307 in Forlì (+11, of which 5 symptomatic), 1,099 in Cesena (+2, of which 1 symptomatic), 2,553 in Rimini (+7, of which 4 symptomatic).

In Italy new cases are declining: 1,350 today against 1,587 yesterday, in parallel, however, with the few swabs, as always on Monday: 55,862 against 83,428 yesterday. The deaths increased slightly, 17 today (yesterday they were 15), while the growth of the cured slows down, 352 today against 635 yesterday.

Taking into account the total of occupational infections 71.3% of workers infected with Covid-19 reported to Inail they are women and the average age drops to 47 years. To take stock of the situation is the eighth national report prepared by the Statistical Actuarial Consultancy of the Institute, published today together with the updated version of the detailed files on the cases registered in the 19 Italian regions and in the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, released with monthly.

He has a fever, a scrutineer substituted in Reggiano

A man who dresses the role of the cashier of a seat of Saliceto River, in the Bassa Reggiana, this morning he showed a slight discomfort before going to the ‘Anna Frank’ primary school where the voting operations for the constitutional referendum were being carried out. When measuring fever the thermometer showed 37 and a half, and as a precaution, the replacement of the ATM was requested, extracting it from the ‘reservations’ list. The man immediately submitted to the Covid buffer and now the results are awaited. The polling station, however, continued with the voting activity and now the counting of the ballots is under way after the polls close at 3 in the afternoon. “The protocol was activated promptly and all the precautionary measures were put in place,” said the mayor of Rio Saliceto, Lucio Malavasi, in Ansa.

Positive scrutineer in Piacentino: seat moved

One electoral teller positive result to the Covid test. The temporary suspension of the activities of the corresponding electoral college, move to another room and the resumption of the normal round of voting thanks also to the tellers “enlisted at this moment”. It was a dense and hectic day yesterday in Calendasco, a municipality in the Piacenza area that saw the intertwining, in the space of a few hours, of politics and the health emergency in one of the most affected areas of Emilia-Romagna and the country, the Piacentino. in recent months due to the coronavirus.

Semi-side effects, scabies and one also positive in Covid-19. These are the conditions in which six Afghan refugees, one of them a minor, were found by the carabinieri, after a long journey hiding in the cold room of a truck coming from the port of Thessaloniki, in Greece, and disembarked in Ancona. The military intervened in a service area in the Stradelli Guelfi, a Castel San Pietro, at the request of the carrier who had heard screams coming from the vehicle. Now the positive Covid is isolated.

Free flu vaccine from 60 years

Free flu shot in Emilia-Romagna from the age of 60. He will guarantee it Region, who also decided anticipate the start of the 2020-2021 campaign two weeks since last year and buy more doses of vaccine.

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