Bologna, October 22, 2020 – Cases of Coronavirus in Emilia romagna, before an always high number of buffers. Today’s newsletter on the Covid-19 pandemic notes 889 (yesterday 671) of 16,179 tests performed in the last 24 hours (incidence at 5.4% against 3.9% yesterday). The province with the most positives is Bologna (235), to continue Reggio emilia (114) e Rimini (86).
Unfortunately, there are six other victims: three in Bologna (3 men aged 93, 81 and 66 years old), two in Parma (both men 95 and 85 years old) and one Piacenza, a 93 year old woman.
Patients do not grow intensive care, which are still 86, while those are 636 (+40 from yesterday) hospitalized in the other Covid departments.
Coronavirus Italy, data for October 22
Since the beginning of the crisis, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna 43,477 positive cases, 889 more than yesterday.
They are new positives 486 the asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities: 176 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 23 through the tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 5 for serological screening, 14 with pre-hospital tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 268 cases.
The control and prevention activity continues: a total of 224 people (among the new positives) were already in isolation at the time of the swab and 304 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.
The average age of new positives today is 46.2 years.
The contagion map with symptomatic symptoms province by province
These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,842 a Piacenza (+75, of which 30 symptomatic), 4,987 to Parma (+76, of which 55 symptomatic), 6,769 to Reggio emilia (+114, of which 36 symptomatic), 6019 to Modena (+84, of which 34 symptomatic), 8,080 to Bologna (+235, of which 74 symptomatic), 761 cases a Imola (+31, of which 17 symptomatic), 2,021 years Ferrara (+57, of which 33 symptomatic); 2,197 to Ravenna (+52, of which 22 symptomatic), 1,905 to Forlì (+36, of which 28 symptomatic), 1,452 years Cesena (+43, of which 36 symptomatic) and 3,444 to Rimini (+86, of which 38 symptomatic).
Swabs and serological tests
me tampons 16,179 were carried out, for a total of 1,433,217. To these are added 2,053 serological tests.
Sick, intensive care and recovered
me active cases, that is, the number of real sick, to date I am 11,663 (863 more than those registered yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 10,941 (+823 compared to yesterday), 93.8% of active cases.
Patients do not grow intensive care, what remains 86,while i have 636+40 yesterday) those hospitalized in other Covid wards.
In the territory, the 86 people admitted to intensive care are thus distributed: 7 in Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 8 in Parma (unchanged compared to yesterday), 3 in Reggio Emilia (unchanged compared to yesterday), 8 in Modena (-2 compared to yesterday), 39 in Bologna (1 more than yesterday) yesterday), 2 in Imola (unchanged compared to yesterday), 5 in Ferrara (+2 compared to yesterday), 2 in Ravenna (-2 compared to yesterday), 4 in Forlì (+ 1 compared to yesterday), 2 in Cesena (number unchanged compared to yesterday) and 6 in Rimini (-1 compared to yesterday).
People as a whole heal They amount to 27,277 (+20 compared to yesterday).
Bonaccini: “Schools and factories do not close. We will make 20 thousand tampons a day”
“Of the most affected in the first wave, today we are the ones with the least intensity. Today we make more than 15 thousand tampons, we will reach 20 thousand. You have to be very careful because the virus is growing and we will have to wait to see if the effects of the mask and gods dpcm will bring results “, is the analysis of the governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano bonaccini.
“Otherwise, we will be forced to adopt specific restrictive measures because we can’t afford a new blockade, dividing between indispensable things like school and the job and those that are not essential. Factories, shops and schools cannot be closed. “
The President of the Region recalls that “we make thousands of pharmacies free trial for students and we have extended it to their living relatives ”.
Read also Free serological tests in pharmacies even for grandparents who do not cohabit – Read also Covid and research, discovery of ‘fault’ in the immune system
In a block of change between regions, “I hope not,” he says.
The governor is also intervening in the confrontation between Minister Azzolina and Governor Fontana in distance education in high school: “We all struggle to go back to school in the presence, even if someone proposed coeducation, permanently”, They are for the school in attendance But we live in a real world, not an ideal one ”,“ since last February the presidents of the Region have been able to make more restrictive decisions than the Dpcm, foresees the Government itself ”,“ we have an increase in infections, we must look for the best possible solutions “.
Coronavirus Italy, data and table with the numbers of the regions
The opening day Giuseppe Conte he defined “very critical” the situation in which theItaly regarding the outbreak of Coronavirus, he contagion nationwide: according to the bulletin of Ministry of Health in the last 24 hours they have been identified 16,079 new cases, almost a thousand more than yesterday, but with about 7,500 fewer buffers (170,392 vs. 177,848). The total number of infected people, including victims and those cured, amounts to 465,726.
The number of victims: 136 in one day, while yesterday they were 127, for a total that reached 36,968. In intensive care 992 people are hospitalized (+66 since yesterday).
the currently positive there are 169,302, an increase of 13,860 compared to yesterday; the discharged / cured 259,456 (+2,082).
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