Bologna, November 6, 2020 – The relationship between positive yes e tampons in Emilia romagna, but the region registers 40 dead, although some do not refer only to the last day. These me data main of the today’s newsletter on the diffusion of Coronavirus, while we are still waiting for national numbers of the Ministry of Health.
Out of more than 20,800 swabs, Emilia Romagna detected 1,953 new positives (the proportion drops to 9.4%, yesterday exceeded 10%), of which 932 asymptomatic due to regional detection and contact tracing activities. More than 94.5% of active cases report mild symptoms and are isolated at home.
The situation of infections in the provinces is appreciated Bologna with 478 new cases, Modena with 309, then Reggio emilia with 279.
Regional RT is down, or the index of virus transmissibility: 1.57 compared to 1.63 a week ago. 3,624 serological tests were also performed. The mean age of new positives is 44 years. +156 healed.
Patients admitted to intensive care am 177 (no increase compared to yesterday at the regional level), 1,673 those of other Covid departments (+85)
40 dead in Emilia Romagna
Are registered 40 deaths: 11 in the province of Reggio emilia (eight men, two of whom are 87 years old and the other 83, 81, 79, 71, 69, 62; and three women, respectively, 89, 92 and 88 years old), 10 also in the province of Ravenna (six women, two of whom are 94 years old and the other 93,91,86, 71; four men are 91,89,71 and 63 years old) not all registered in the last 24 hours; 9 in the province of Modena (five women of 100, 99, 92, 92, 86 years old and four men of 90, 89, 82, 78 years old), 3 in the province of Parma (two men aged 87 and 74 and a woman aged 94), 3 also in the province of Bologna (two women of 87 and 79 and a man of 94), 2 years Piacenza (a 70-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman with previous pathologies), and one in the province of Ferrara (an 81-year-old man) and in the province Forlì-Cesena (a 76-year-old woman). There are no deaths in the province of Rimini.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, deaths in Emilia-Romagna amounted to 4,752.
The new cases in the Region, the numbers of November 6
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna 67,041 cases of positivity, 1,953 more than yesterday, out of a total of 20,847 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons manufactured is 9.4% today, compared to 10.7% yesterday.
Are newly infected 932 the asymptomatic identified as part of contact tracing and screening activities: 332 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 51 through the tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 5 for serological screening, 11 with preadmission tests . The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 533 cases.
Overall, 280 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of smear and 347 were identified in known outbreaks.
Average age one of today’s new positives is 43.8 years.
The contagion map with symptomatic symptoms province by province
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: in Piacenza 7,924 (+178 compared to yesterday, of the which 102 symptomatic), 6,530 in Parma (+ 194, of which 120 symptomatic), 10,328 in Reggio Emilia (+279, of which 167 symptomatic), 10,479 in Modena (+309, of which 141 symptomatic), 13,251 in Bologna (+478, of which 254 symptomatic), 1,304 cases in Imola (+57, of which 42 symptomatic), 3,196 in Ferrara (+102, of which 10 symptomatic), 3,778 in Ravenna (+82, of the of which 39 symptomatic), 2,755 in Forlì (+59, of which 49 symptomatic), 2,074 in Cesena (+18, of which 11 symptomatic) and 5,422 in Rimini (+197, of which 86 symptomatic).
Updated news
The rules of the yellow zone are activated
As is well known, theEmilia romagna is among the regions included in the yellow band, that is, among those with lower risk. But the risk is there anyway and, starting today, they start the new measures in contrast to COVID-19, provided by the latest Dpcm signed by the premier Giuseppe Conte and valid until December 3.
What changes in practice? Ban on change for everyone from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day, except for “work needs or proven health reasons”; distance education 100% for high school and college students; 50% capacity for local public transport and regional rail service; suspension of catering services, such as bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries from 18 to 5. The ‘squeeze’, during the weekend, also affects malls.
Donini live on Facebook
This afternoon the councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele donini, will take stock of the progress of the infections in Emilia Romagna live on Facebook, which we will relaunch from 5.30 pm on this page as well.
The teacher will be present with him Cristina Mussini, director of the complex structure of infectious diseases of the University Hospital of Modena.
Coronavirus Italy, data and table of regions
Another yesterday 445 dead in 24 hours in Italy (from 352), for a total of 40,192 since the start of the epidemic. The daily number of positive set the record: 34,505 (from the previous 30,550) vs 219,884 tampons – 8,153 more -, with a positive / buffer ratio of 15.69%, 1.3 points more after two days of improvement.
the admissions: those of the ordinary rooms are +1,140 (against +1,002 on Wednesday), for a total of 23,256; those in intensive care They go to +99 (from +67) for a national total of 2,391. THE healed there are 4,961 (out of 5,103) for a total of 312,339.
In the afternoon the new is expected bulletin of the Ministry of Health with the table It contains updated numbers of the regions. As soon as they are available, we will update this article.
Covid, the other news of November 6
Contagions, the numbers of the Marks – The pandemic in Tuscany, Covid numbers
Cases and victims in Veneto, Zaia: “We are in phase 4”
Carlo Conti hospitalized
Virologist Palù: the curve has been stable for three days
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