Coronavirus Today: Infections and the Covid Newsletter for March 20. Region data


Rome, March 20, 2021 – Waiting for the new bulletin of the Ministry of Health on the advance of the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy. And contagion gives COVID-19 They have continued to rise for days and the national Rt transmissibility index remains stable at 1.16. So too Sardinia lose the white zone, passing directly in orange since Monday, and there are not even regions in yellow anymore.

And, as the government launches the Support decree To try to stop the economic crisis, efforts are focused on vaccination campaign. Today it was the general’s turn Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, extraordinary commissioner of emergency of the Covid, and the person in charge of Civil Protection Fabrizio Curcio, who was administered the Astrazeneca serum. The goal, Figliuolo reiterated, is to reach “500 thousand daily doses” from mid-April, so that 80% of the population is immunized in September. Meanwhile, the president of the Lazo Region, Nicola Zingaretti, announces that the Spallanzani hospital in Rome will begin to analyze the Russian Sputnik serum.

For its part, Britain announced that half of the UK adult population has received at least the first dose of the vaccine. Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Twitter that a record 660,276 doses were administered yesterday.

Vaccino Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson: the comparison

The March 19 newsletter

The Covid newsletter of March 20

(We will publish here the data and the table with the data as soon as it is available)


the Veneto registers more than 2 thousand new cases: to be exact they are 2,044 and contagion more than yesterday, for a total of 364,969 infected since the beginning of the epidemic. There’s also 20 deaths, bringing the total number of victims to 10,338. And the growth of hospital beds occupied by patients with the virus does not stop: in normal medical areas there are 1,632 patients (+22), in intensive care 226 (+7). Currently positive subjects are also growing, 38,333 (+720).


In Apulia, of the 11,296 tests currently processed, it is detected 1,983 positive cases: 824 in the province of Bari, 138 in the province of Brindisi, 109 in the province BAT, 263 in the province of Foggia, 267 in the province of Lecce, 371 in the province of Taranto, 7 cases of residents outside the region , 4 cases of non-resident province Note. They were also recorded 26 deaths. Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,753,965 tests have been carried out, 128,464 patients are cured and 42,072 are currently positive cases


In Lazio There are currently 47,054 positive cases for Covid-19, of which 2,484 are hospitalized, 309 in intensive care and 44,261 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 213,135 cured, 6,340 deaths and the total number of cases examined is 266,529, according to the updated bulletin of the Lazio Region.


The new positives in Tuscany I’m 1,510 in 25,044 tests, of which 15,583 molecular swabs and 9,461 rapid tests. To anticipate the data is the president of the Region, Eugenio Giani, on Facebook. The rate of new positives is 6.03% (13.6% in the first diagnosis). The number of new cases is higher than yesterday (they were 1,365) compared to a greater number of tests (they were 23,465) and the rate of positives is higher (5.82%).


At Market have been identified 856 new cases of Covid, 22.2% of the 3,859 molecular and antigenic swabs processed in the last 24 hours. The proportion of positive tests is slightly lower: yesterday it was 23.7%, with 822 new cases out of 3,463 swabs. The total number of positives identified since the beginning of the pandemic crisis amounted to 82,473.

Bolzano Province

The new ones positive in South tyrol I’m 127: 63 identified with molecular swab and 57 with rapid antigen test. Deaths are 2 (1,101 in total). There are 121 Covid-19 patients admitted to the normal wards of a hospital, 122 hospitalized in private facilities, while 112 are isolated in the facilities of Colle Isarco and Sarnes. There are 35 patients in the intensive care units and another 3 Covid-19 patients from South Tyrol are hospitalized in the intensive care unit in Austria. There are currently 4,170 people in quarantine or home isolation.

The other regions

In Basilicata Currently, a further 151 positive results out of 1,524 swabs have been tested. L ‘Umbria It has 206 new positives and 12 deaths (1,205 in total), but it also registers a decrease in hospitalizations: 446 (14 less than yesterday), 74 of which (one less) in intensive care.
