Coronavirus today Emilia Romagna, newsletter September 19. Two deaths and 133 new cases


Bologna, September 19, 2020 – I am 133 the new positive cases in Emilia Romagna from Coronavirus (against me 121 the day before) and two deaths in the last 24 hours. Saying it is the usual newsletter of Emilia Romagna. 71 were already in isolation at the time of swabbing and 62 were identified from known outbreaks. Nationally, aa with a flexible contagion curve (1,638 against 1,907 yesterday), it is a boom of victims: almost doubled compared to the day of the shooting. In fact today there are 24.

ALSO READ Coronavirus in Italy: data and table

Since the start of the Coronavirus epidemic, they have been in our region. registered 34,225 positivity cases, 133 more than yesterday, of which 71 asymptomatic were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities.

Return contagions

am 20 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of return cases from other regions is 10.

Average age of positives

The average age of new positives today is 37.7 years.

Of 71 new asymptomatic patients, 28 were identified through category tests introduced by the Region, 4 through prehospital tests, 37 through contact tracing, and in one case through serological screening. For a last positive asymptomatic case at the time of diagnosis, the reason for performing the swab is unknown at this time.

The deaths

Unfortunately, they happened two deaths, in Piacenza: a 90-year-old man from Fiorenzuola d’Arda and a 92-year-old woman from Piacenza.

Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (23), Piacenza (15), Parma (19), Reggio Emilia (15), Modena (24).

In Bologna and its province are 23 new positive cases, of which 16 attributable to outbreaks and 7 sporadic. Three returned from abroad, four from other Italian regions. Of the 10 asymptomatic, 3 cases arose after contact tracing activities, 5 from category tests, and 2 from pre-hospitalization tests.

Parma and Piacenza

Fifteen the new positives in the province of Piacenza: 3 returned from abroad (2 from Romania, one of them symptomatic and one from Ukraine), while another, symptomatic, from another Italian region (Sardinia). A new case is a patient who has experienced symptoms; another 7 new ones (of which 6 symptomatic) are close contacts of pre-existing foci. Another (symptomatic) was identified after the Usca intervention; one after an emergency room access (and a swab) and one after a community access exam. In the province of ParmaOf the 19 new positives (all sporadic), 3 refer to returns from abroad and one from another Italian region. Of the 10 asymptomatic, 4 emerged through contact tracing activities, 5 through tests by category, while for one the reason for performing the swab is unknown at the moment.

Reggio emilia

On the territory of Reggio, in 15 new positives (of which 14 in home isolation), 8 are attributable to family outbreaks, while 5 are sporadic cases; one case is a return from abroad (Romania), another was identified by screening.


In the Modena area, up 24 new positives, 3 returned from abroad (one from the Dominican Republic, 2 from France), 4 from other Italian regions (one from Sardinia and 3 from Puglia). Thirteen are contacts of known cases (linked to different outbreaks), 2 sporadic cases in which the epidemiological link has not yet been identified; finally, 2 people tested positive. The Ausl Modenese reported today that, among those infected, there is also a student from a high school in Carpi.

Swabs made

The swabs made are 8,998, for a total of 1,077,776. In addition to these, there are 2,306 serological tests. Active cases, which is the number of real patients, are currently 4,438 (69 more than those registered yesterday).

People in isolate the houseIn other words, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, total 4,245 (79 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. Intensive care patients drop to 19 (-2 compared to yesterday) and those hospitalized in other Covid wards to 174 (-8).

People as a whole heal They reached 25,313 (+61 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,306 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The contagion map

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,948 Piacenza (+15, of which 10 symptomatic), 4,175 to Parma (+19, of which 9 symptomatic), 5,672 years Reggio emilia (+15, of which 5 symptomatic), 4,784 to Modena (+24, of which 7 symptomatic), 6,074 years Bologna (+23, of which 13 symptomatic), 549 to Imola (+5, of which 4 symptomatic), Ferrara 1,379 (+8, of which 6 symptomatic), a Ravenna 1,716 (+7, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,292 years Forlì (+3, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,090 years Cesena (+9, of which 3 symptomatic) and 2,546 years Rimini (+5, of which 2 symptomatic).

Deputy Minister Sileri

“President Bonaccini handled the problem COVID-19 in an excellent way. The fact that the model of Health Dell ‘Emilia romagna Not only was it good, but I would say take as an example other regions that I always thought of, even before going into politics. Those are the models that work. “So the vice minister Pierpaolo sileri, before signing the ministerial decree that inserts the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic of Bologna among the Institutes of Hospitalization and Scientific Care of Italy, praised the Emilia Romagna health system that was able to manage the emergency pandemic: “That the model worked – Sileri remarked – it was seen in an emergency period”.

Covid in Italy, the contagion curve falls but deaths are on the rise

Cala the epidemic curve of Coronavirus in Italy. After the increase in cases registered yesterday (1,907), today the new bulletin registers 1,638 new positives. More than instead it doubled the death toll: 24 against ten the day before.

The latest weekly report fromFaculty of Health. “In Italy, the ISS notes, there is a slow and progressive worsening of the Sars-Cov-2 epidemic, although with a more contained trend than that observed in other European countries. “Also in Italy, Covid infections are on the rise and the average age rises to 41 years. 35% of new positives are people over 50 years of age. The virus travels in the family: from the smallest to the oldest. “It will be necessary to be prepared to activate new interventions in the event of further deterioration,” says the report.

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