Bologna, November 10, 2020 – The Coronavirus loosen your grip on Emilia Romagna: the ratio between new positives and process swabs was reduced yesterday to 10.8% versus 16.2% of infected people found in yesterday’s tests. Reports on today’s newsletter on the diffusion of COVID-19 in the region: more than 22,500 tampons analyzed were detected 2,430 new positives, of which 1,251 asymptomatic.
The victims registered today are 21.
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 215 (+11 compared to yesterday), 2020 those of other Covid departments (+81).
The dead of the last 24 hours
There are 21 new victims of Emilia Romagna linked to Covid: 9 in the province of Modena, and precisely a woman of 87 years and 8 men (63, 78, 79, 80, 82, 89 and two of 87 years). Five deaths between Parma city and province (an 80-year-old woman and four men, two of whom are 74 years old and the other 87 and 90 years old); 3 in the province of Piacenza (a 92-year-old woman and two men, 78 and 90 years old respectively); 2 in the of Ferrara (a woman and a man, respectively 95 and 82 years old), a Bologna in the Imola area (a 93-year-old woman) and one in the province of Forlì-Cesena (Cesenatico, 89-year-old woman).
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, deaths have been total in Emilia-Romagna 4,845.
Viruses, the figures on the cases of November 10
Since the beginning of the Covid 19 epidemic, in Emilia romagna They registered 75,855 cases of positivity, 2,430 more than yesterday, from a total of 22,539 swabs made in the last 24 hours. This figure includes the 100 cases referred yesterday and related to Ferrara, not counted yesterday.
The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons manufactured today is 10.8%, a sharp decrease compared to yesterday (16.2%).
Of the newly infected, there are 1251 asymptomatic identified as part of the contact tracing and screening activities: 421 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 59 through the tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 15 with serological tests, 11 through pre-hospital tests. An epidemiological investigation of 745 cases is still underway.
Overall, among the new positives 337 people were already in isolation at the time of swabbing and 430 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.
Average age one of today’s new positives is 45.6 years.
The contagion map with symptomatic data
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 8,648 a Piacenza (+153 compared to yesterday, of which 49 symptomatic), 7,205 to Parma (+148, of which 95 symptomatic), 11,552 to Reggio emilia (+282, of which 239 symptomatic), 12,563 to Modena (+638, of which 285 symptomatic), 14,973 to Bologna (+284, of which 102 symptomatic), 1,505 cases a Imola (+115, of which 73 symptomatic), 3,608 to Ferrara (+229, of which 21 symptomatic), 4,355 years Ravenna (+182, of which 105 symptomatic), 3,047 years Forlì (+87, of which 61 symptomatic), 2,355 to Cesena (+100, of which 67 symptomatic) and 6,044 a Rimini (+212, of which 82 are symptomatic).
Ferrara’s figure includes the 100 cases referred yesterday, not accounted for due to a problem with the computer system.
The Region announces that “after the verification of the data communicated in recent days, 7 cases have been eliminated (2 Modena, 2 Bologna, 1 Ferrara, 2 Cesena) for not being considered Covid-19 cases.”
Intensive care, other hospitalized and recovered
Patients admitted to intensive care am 215 (+11 compared to yesterday), 2,020 those in other Covid departments (+81).
In the hospitals of Emilia-Romagna, people hospitalized in intensive care are distributed as follows: 11 a Piacenza (-2 compared to yesterday), 18 in Parma (-2), 18 a Reggio emilia (+1 compared to yesterday), 41 years old Modena (+4), 65 years old Bologna (+2), 6 to Imola (+1), 13 to Ferrara (no change), 12 a Ravenna (no change), 6th Forlì (+3), 5 to Cesena (+1) and 20 years Rimini (+3).
People as a whole heal They rise to 29,230 (+252 compared to yesterday).
Swabs and serological tests from the last 24 hours
The swabs performed were 22,539, for a total of 1,763,487. To these are also added 3,718 serological tests.
Bonaccini and the new ordinance
Meanwhile, the governor Stefano bonaccini prepare a new one ordinance against assemblies that could be signed tomorrow. Emilia Romagna resists in yellow zone but the president already yesterday, on Facebook, he had launched a strong appeal to citizens: “We are trying to do everything possible, highlighting the health response as much as possible; our health personnel are doing everything possible to ensure a response to all, in increasingly difficult conditions, with emergencies and increasingly crowded beds. To go out, however, we need everyone’s effort and responsibility. I get photos of places where people do not respect the distance and others where masks are not used correctly. We respect the rules, if we don’t want other hospitalizations, other pains, other restrictions. It depends on each one of us. “
Movements, the rules with the orange zone of Tuscany
Coronavirus Italy, data and table
And, of course, there is much expectation to know the national data on the progress of the pandemic, after the constant escalation of infections and victims throughout Italy. Yesterday 25,271 new cases were registered in the country (out of 147,725 swabs) and 356 victims. We will give you an account in this very article of today’s newsletter with all the data and tables as soon as it is published.
Covid, the other news of November 10
Coronavirus in the Marches: new ordinance arriving in Veneto, today’s data
When monoclonal antibodies arrive in Italy
Il Viminale: stricter anti-harvest controls
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