Bologna, February 16, 2021 – A breath of fresh air: the data on the coronavirus infection in Emilia Romagna is much better than yesterday. An important news, which hints at the very probable ‘condemnation’ of the orange zone that goes around behind the scenes although nobody knows if this improvement is enough to save us from new restrictions. And after all, yesterday we were the region with the most infections in Italy and even today we are third in this unenviable ranking.
Covid, today’s newsletter data. Coronavirus infections in Italy and in the regions – Coronavirus in the Marches – Covid in Tuscany: today’s infections – The pandemic in Veneto
Very different situation today: the new covid positives are 968 against which 1,400 yesterday, detected in about 34,500 swabs positivity rate collapsed a 2.8%. However the victims, which today is 35 against 21 yesterday. It does not aggravate the situation in hospitals: in intensive therapy there are 175 patients (+3) and in non-critical wards 1,975 patients (+7). Bologna and Modena are always the most affected provinces: but if yesterday in Bologna more than 400 new cases were exceeded, today there are 250. The people recovered from the covid are 1,449. Of the 968 cases, 420 are asymptomatic and, of these, 244 have been identified thanks to contact tracing. To date, there are about 37,000 active cases in the region, 516 less than yesterday.
The English variant
Meanwhile, the first data on the circulation of the English variant in the region: of 204 samples in which the analysis was carried out, collected from Piacenza to Rimini February 4 and 5, 57 are positive for the variant VOC202012 / 01 (the scientific name of the variant in English), equal to 27.9%: 22 in Bologna, 4 in Ferrara, 13 in Modena, 8 in Parma, 3 in Reggio Emilia and 7 in Romagna. However, the presence of the English variant would increase. Data in line with a test from the Ausl of Bologna, a province in which some outbreaks have been found in the Apennine countries.
Now the investigation, as explained by Vittorio Sambri, director of the microbiology unit of the Local Health Authority of Romagna, aims to find new variants because “only then can we be timely and do everything necessary to identify and contain its dissemination.”
Therefore, it is essential not to lower your guard – underlines the Councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini – and continue to maintain the rules of conduct necessary for everyone’s safety. The second is that our healthcare is made up of exceptional professionals, who are constantly engaged both in hospitals and in research laboratories ”.
The victims
Unfortunately, they are logged 35 new deaths: 12 in the province of Bologna (8 men of 70, 71, 77, two of 81 years, one of 87, 88 and 102, and 4 women of 68, 90 and two of 93), 7 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (4 women of 72, 90, 93 and 95 and 3 men of 79, 80 and 87), 4 province of Modena (two men aged 74 and 81 and 2 women aged 82 and 93), 3 in the province of Piacenza (three women 59, 83 and 88 years old), Reggio emilia (two men of 79 and 81 years old and a woman of 99) and Ferrara (two men of 77 and 82 years old and a woman of 93), 2 in the province of Rimini (a 90-year-old man and a 97-year-old woman) and 1 in that of Parma (an 81-year-old man). There are no deaths in the province of Ravenna.
Covid admissions
There are 1,975 covid patients found in the wards of Emilia Romagna hospitals (+7 compared to yesterday), in intensive care they are 175 (+3): 11 years old Piacenza (-1), 9 a Parma (number unchanged since yesterday), 17 a Reggio emilia (number unchanged since yesterday), 34 to Modena (+1), 52 to Bologna (+1), 11 a Imola (+1), 17 to Ferrara (no change), 3 years Ravenna (no change), 2 years Forlì (no change), 4th Cesena (+1) and 15 years Rimini (unchanged).
Symptomatic and asymptomatic by province
Here’s how today’s 968 new cases break down: 44 to Piacenza (of which 9 symptomatic), 58 to Parma (of which 44 symptomatic), 78 to Reggio emilia (of which 45 symptomatic), 194 to Modena (of which 134 symptomatic), 250 to Bologna (of which 136 symptomatic), 35 cases a Imola (of which 13 symptomatic), 56 to Ferrara (of which 20 symptomatic), 67 to Ravenna (of which 40 symptomatic), 27 years Forlì (of which 20 symptomatic), 79 to Cesena (of which 57 symptomatic) and 80 to Rimini (of which 30 symptomatic).
Charts and Tables
Coronavirus Italy, data and table of regions
There are 10,386 new positives for coronavirus in Italy: yesterday there were 7,351. The victims today are 336, yesterday they were 258. The positivity rate is 3.8%, compared to 4.1% yesterday (-0.3% in 24 hours). According to data from the Ministry of Health, 14,444 people recovered, while there is a further decrease from the currently positive 4,412 units, bringing the total to 393,686.
Those hospitalized in ordinary wards are 18,463 (-52), those hospitalized in intensive care 2,074 (-15) with 154 new admissions. There are currently 373,149 people in home isolation. In terms of regions, Lombardy is the one with the most cases in the last 24 hours, 1,696, followed by Campania (1,135) and Emilia-Romagna (968).
Data from the coronavirus regions in the Marches – Covid in Tuscany: current infections – The pandemic in Veneto
Covid vaccine, vaccines for people over 85 years in Emilia Romagna start today
At 3:00 p.m. today, a total of 293,182 doses were administered, of which 3,152 today, again at that time. Of the total, 127,385 are second doses, that is, people who have completed the vaccination cycle. Refering to vaccines for those over 85, whose reservations began yesterday, today, the first dedicated to this segment of the population, a total of 4,105 will be made, divided as follows by territorial scope: Piacenza 250, Parma 120, Reggio 700, Modena 560, Bologna 744, Ferrara 288, Imola 89, Romagna 1,354 (of which Rimini 450; Ravenna 450; Cesena 227; Forlì 227). As of March 1, reservations can be made for those born between 1937 and 1941 (both inclusive), therefore for those between 80 and 84 years old.
“A day of great hope, which brings a positive note in the context, unfortunately still critical, of the trend of infections – comments the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini-. After the vaccination of those who were most at risk during the pandemic, that is, health and CRS personnel, along with patients admitted to nursing homes, we began to strengthen another vulnerable segment of our population: the most advanced people with years “.
Compared with the territories, on the total number of 73,829 reservations21,800 were held in Bologna, 2,652 in Imola, 3,820 in Piacenza, 6,463 in Parma, 6,731 in Reggio Emilia, 11,518 in Modena, 6,399 in Ferrara; for Romagna: 3,001 in Cesena, Forlì 2,383, Ravenna 5,415, Rimini 3,647.
Yesterday the system went crazy, especially in Romagna and in some areas of Bolognese, with older people who showed up at the counter or at the pharmacist and had to return because everything was blocked, and others who were wasting the morning trying to book online. The problems with the platforms are being completely resolved.
In the next week, pending clarification from the government, the reservations for school staff column AstraZeneca vaccine.
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