Bologna, October 25, 2020 – The second wave of the pandemic is also feeling strong in Emilia Romagna. As in all Italy, where are they registered today 21,273 new positives and 128 deaths. In the region They registered 1,192 contagion more than yesterday, out of a total of 9,644 tampons made in the last 24 hours. the Today’s Covid newsletter, October 25, talks about 4 victims: 2 in the province of Modena (a woman of 97 and a man of 80), 1 in the province of Piacenza (an 88-year-old man) and 1 to Imola (an 87-year-old man).
Is still growing bulletin about him Coronavirus in Italy today. In the day of new Dpcm (Pdf) and the prime minister’s press conference Giuseppe Conte (video), hospitalizations and new cases are growing: i new cases of coronavirus in Italy in the last 24 hours there are 21,273, registered on the basis of 161,880 tampons, 128 deceased. Total kills since the beginning of the emergency is 37,338. Also in the last 24 hours the patients recovered / discharged are states 2,086. On the other hand, 1,208 patients enter therapy intensive.
Percentages and average age in Emilia Romagna
The percentage of positives in processed swabs increased: 12.3% (out of 9,644 tests). methere were 1,180 new positives (6.7%). They are new positives 636 the asymptomatic identified in the context of contact tracing activities me regional projection. Control and prevention activity continues: in total, 170 people were among the new positives already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 338 were identified under known outbreaks. Average age one of today’s new positives is 42.1 years.
Sui 636 asymptomatic, 159 were identified through contact tracing, 33 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 1 through serological screening, 9 with pre-admission tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 434 cases. THE active casesIn other words, the number of real patients to date is 14,828 (1,186 more than those registered yesterday). Of these, the people in isolate the house, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are a total of 13,983 (+1,153 compared to yesterday), 94.3% of active cases.
The contagion map in the region
The province with the most infections is Bologna (259), follow Reggio emilia (235), Rimini (159) Modena (140), Piacenza (120), Ravenna (61), the territory of Forlì (56), Ferrara (51), the area of Cesena (44), Parma (42) and that of Imola (25). These are the data – verified today at 12 noon based on institutional requests – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region
Unfortunately, they are logged 4 new deaths: 2 in the province of Modena (a woman of 97 and a man of 80), 1 in the province of Piacenza (a man of 88) and 1 in Imola (a man of 87).
In intensive care
Patients fall into a unit intensive care, which become 88 throughout the region, while they are 757 (+34 since yesterday) those hospitalized in other Covid departments.
In the territory, the 88 people hospitalized in intensive care They are distributed as follows: 6 a Piacenza (no change from yesterday), 12 a Parma (+4 compared to yesterday), 4 a Reggio emilia (+1 compared to yesterday), 7 to Modena (-2 compared to yesterday), 36 a Bologna (-3 compared to yesterday), 2 a Imola (no change from yesterday), 5 a Ferrara (unchanged from yesterday), 4th Ravenna (no change from yesterday), 2nd Forlì (-2 compared to yesterday), 2 a Cesena (no change since yesterday) and 8 a Rimini (+1 compared to yesterday).
People as a whole heal rise to 27,345 (+2 compared to yesterday). These the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 6,253 a Piacenza (+120, of which 39 symptomatic), 5,135 years Parma (+42, of which 33 symptomatic), 7,294 to Reggio emilia (+235, of which 128 symptomatic), 6,371 to Modena (+140, of which 28 symptomatic), 8,848 years Bologna (+259, of which 90 symptomatic), 855 cases a Imola (+25, of which 19 symptomatic), 2,187 to Ferrara (+51, of which 24 symptomatic); 2,374 to Ravenna (+61, of which 35 symptomatic), 2,049 years Forlì (+56, of which 42 symptomatic), 1,549 years Cesena (+44, of which 33 symptomatic) and 3,819 to Rimini (+159, of which 85 symptomatic).
In cases where it is objectively difficult to carry out a complete follow-up due to the excessively positive results recorded, the Regions, through the Departments of Public Health, may reorganize the follow-up and screening activities, identifying specific priorities for timely intervention. However, in the first place, explains the regional adviser for health policies, Raffaele donini, “It must be memembers of the family unit alone where the positive case was registered. “If they are symptomatic, the rapid antigenic swab or molecular, while in case they remain asymptomatic, rapid or molecular swab will be performed at the end of the tenth day of isolation. “We are manufacturing more and more tampons – Donini emphasizes -, within the first ten days of November we will have the quick swabs – we bought someand 2 million – which we will use mainly for workplaces, schools and residences for the elderly and people with disabilities. Necessary tests for diagnosis. But at the same time we want to continue doing prevention through extensive epidemiological screening campaigns, carrying out serological tests to identify asymptomatic positives: with the campaign for students and parents, recently extended to grandparents who do not live together, we want to reach at least 400 thousand people by the end of the year, they can do quick serology right at the pharmacy, but in the last few months we’ve tested all risk categories, plus school staff. We must all be clear that the virus continues to attack, so it is necessary to respect all safety regulations, as well as the new measures introduced by the Government, so as not to frustrate the great effort that the health of Emilia-Romagna and of those who exist it works every day – closes the commissioner -: it is everyone’s responsibility to protect ourselves to protect others ”.
“Then fourteen hours consecutive work to transfer patients, organize and open another Covid department patients begin to arrive one after another … He is a nurse who, like me, fell ill with Covid in March while we were treating many patients who came to the ward and were not breathing ”. So yesterday on Facebook Antonio Gramegna, Coordinator of Infectious Diseases Nursing of the Sant’Orsola, published a photo of a colleague, already viral, at the end of the long working day. The coordinator, during the first wave, had been the protagonist, also on Facebook, of a tutorial in which he gave instructions on how to use personal protective equipment correctly.
First Giuseppe Conte together with Minister Roberto Speranza signed the new Dpcm. Therefore, pressure on clubs, gyms, and theaters takes effect to counter the spread of coronavirus infections. The stop at 18 has been confirmed for bars and restaurants, but they can remain open on Sundays and holidays. The new decree will come into force as of tomorrow, October 26 until November 24.
The new Dpcm in PDF
Yesterday the thousand mark was surpassed contagion in Emilia romagna: from 888 on Friday to 1,180 new positives registered since Coronavirus bulletin yesterday October 24, out of a total of 17,612 tampons processed (to which 2,256 serological tests were added), 6.7%.
Covid, the other news of October 25
New Dpcm signed by Conte (PDF). Venues closed at 6pm, open on holidays
The new closings sink businesses. Cacciari: “Now social anger will explode”
Emilia Romagna News
Bologna, the symbolic photo of the nurse. “We are reliving the March movie”
Rapid serological test in pharmacy, in Ferrara there is a boom of questions
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