Bologna, October 23, 2020 – I. contagion reach an altitude of 900: Yesterday 889 more than Wednesday (43,447 total), while there are other you are dead and 40 more hospitalized in the Covid wards (636 in total), but there is no increase in intensive care patients, who remain stable, 86. While the president Stefano bonaccini hypothesizes new measures to reverse the trend and avoid a general lockdown, there is expectation for the Coronavirus bulletin today, October 23. The Region will release the data after 16.30, we will give you an account by updating this article in real time.
Focus Coronavirus Italy, data and table for October 23
In addition, starting at 5.30 p.m., the Councilor for Health Policies will take stock of the situation, Raffaele donini, live on Facebook on the page of the Region of the Regional Reference Center for Microbiological Emergencies (Crrem), which is based at the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital. With the councilor, there will also be professor Maria Carla Re, director of Microbiology Unica Metropolitana and Crrem.
Yesterday’s newsletter
Yesterday he asymptomatic they were 486 out of 889. Average age 46.2 years. The number of swabs is still remarkable: 16,179 with 2,053 serological tests. Twenty le cures (27,277 in total). The province with the most infections continues to be Bologna (235).
Covid in Italy: live data
Yesterday’s data was not comforting even in other parts of Italy. The relationship between swabs performed and positive dates back to 9.4%, and the even more significant proportion of AI swabs ever tested positive jumps to 15.3%. For the latter, Liguria stands at 31.4%, Veneto at 21.9%, Lombardy at 18.8%, slightly ahead of Marche and Umbria, while Tuscany stands at 15.7% and heEmilia romagna at 13.6%.
Others registered yesterday 16,079 almost, a thousand more on Wednesday, but with 7,500 fewer tampons. THE hospitalized with symptoms are now 9,642 (+637), and in the intensive therapy there are 992 people (+66). The Ministry of Health and Civil Protection will publish the new data in the afternoon. You will find them here.
Quick pads: when they arrive in Emilia Romagna
me quick swabs enter to Emilia romagna early November. It was Bonaccini himself who provided new details on the equipment of two million new tests. “We start immediately with schools – wrote – work environments
at risk and family members of guests in nursing homes. We want to continue doing prevention and controls, tracking and looking for the asymptomatic as well. Responsibility and strict compliance with the regulations: let’s do what is necessary and let’s all do it ”.
In Emilia Romagna, the nursing homes for which the Region announces an important novelty: within the first ten days of November, free quick swabs to be carried out on site, in order to keep family visits safe. Meetings that, with the appearance of the outbreaks, in many centers have been suspended.
And the number of people who will be able to access continues to grow rapid and free serological tests in pharmacies desired by the Region as part of the epidemiological screening campaign aimed at students and their families. Even grandparents who do not cohabit have the right to tests to determine the presence of antibodies against Sars-Cov2. In fact, the Department of Health Policies asked the affiliated pharmacy trade associations to review the agreement on testing, signed at the beginning of the month and which allowed the campaign to begin on October 19 last, to also include the grandmothers. and grandparents among the beneficiaries: on the one hand, the Region explains, because it is clear that in many families grandparents spend a lot of time with their grandchildren who still attend school, decisively allowing parents to reconcile the rhythms of life of the best possible way. job; on the other hand, because the elderly are undoubtedly the most vulnerable and fragile segment of the population in the face of the coronavirus.
The Department also clarifies that the evidence must also be usable to parents of students who do not cohabit o Students from 0 to 18 years old and adults who attend upper secondary education.
Covid, the other news today
Rise of cases in the Brands – Focus Tuscany – Increase in cases in Lombardy
Bonaccini: “Decide on non-essential activities to avoid the general blockage”
The map of closures region by region
Conte: “Avoid a new lock”
Cauda: “Metro and bus full of danger. This mask does not protect”
Clementi. “Infection boom, here are the mistakes”
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